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Posts posted by TB-7076

  1. Sorry to excavate an old thread.
    First of all thank you for this detailed comparison.
    Now I'd like to know if there have been further changes to the gloves from both suppliers and additional experinces?
    I currently have to decide which supplier to chose. And I tend to the IBs (reasoning see bleow)

    I like to add some aspects to the possible pros and cons of both products.

    1. Lining
    I think the material of the lining of the EF might be disadvantegous as it seems to be faux fur (?) as used in winter boots and I can imagine this might add to temperature and may be a problem after sweating -> washing.
    Whst are the experiences regarding the lining in practice?

    2. cuffs
    The cuffs of the EF seem to be using a certain type of elastic band.
    The problem with these (if I have recognized these corectly) are that with age the rubber contained may develop problems
    (have the problem with my Scout Trooper thigh and cummerbund straps -> stiff/brittle and partially remaining expanded).
    So these might have to be replaced somewhen.
    Of course we are speaking of time frames up to a decade+ - so maybe that is not that much of an issue for most people and may vary a lot depending on other factors like care.

    2. palm padding
    I noticed the padding of the palms seem to be better defined/rasied at the shown example of the IBs, while the EF seem to be less prnounced with a rather flat spherical shape.
    Personally I prefer the loook of the padding form the IBs and additionally it seems to be more screen accurate as well looking at some pictures.
    Has this part changed with the current EFs?

    The problem with the linear ribbed pattern vs the grid pattern is tricky. Have there been new revelations solving this issue?
    I could not find better pcitures but this uncertainty is really bugging me. Grid pattern feels  better though as far as I am concerned.

  2. I doubt there is any empire-era stormtrooper still within the condition to serve as a grunt.

    ...as higher ranking personnel maybe but not in the field.


    There seem to be different designations and it is probably no troop type designation even if some people at one point thought that would be a brilliant idea.


    In a logical fiction it would be something like the unit or their home system they were collected.

    As they were drawn into service from several systems it might be that they had traditional regiments like the british units (i.e. in WWI).

    So either made up from one planet or one system.


    FN might have been the abreviation of the Falleen system for example and TK from the Troken System if you go by the maps.


    In reality it is probably just a coincidental decision like the myth with TK-421 being the abreviation of a crew member and some digits of its social card number.

    The same could apply to FN plus the already mentioned hommage to the THX-1138 inspiration.


    The legion abreviation system - in my eyes -  is a grown mess with no logic and ill tradition except for the TK hommage in the first place (and if it would have stayed like that).



    I think while the new troops probably can stay within their repsective detachments it would be wise to distinguish between empire and first order within the legion.

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