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Posts posted by Locitus

  1. I've seen some ridiculously complicated strapping systems over the years. Some have had merit for special needs or just "feels luxurious". But most of them were just needlessly complicated without any benefits. More often than not they got in the way instead of helping. On that note I take some issue with the double snaps I saw on the pictures above. Double snaps hinder rotational movement by the straps, and that's not always a good thing. If you use quality snaps one snap is plenty strong enough to hold a few ounces of plastic against gravity.

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  2. The issue isn't with the images used for the certificates (we're very happy with them), but with taking the time to make them. I made a script a long time ago that creates the certificates in a few seconds, but it requires logging in on the web server and making each certificate one by one for each request.

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  3. On 9/23/2016 at 10:54 PM, RainyDays1971 said:

    Hi Everyone,


    I'm new here and I've been skimming these forums for the last few weeks. I only recently found out I didn't have to be a 501st member to join.


    I found this guy on ebay when looking at TFA armor:  ebay


    Before buying, I asked him a few questions:

    • Where did you get the armor? - He said it was the 3rd gen prototype offered to 501st members to promote TFA
    • Can you prove its authenticity? - His evidence were pictures of the helmet that showed a black liner which was only offered by Anovos as well as a picture of the original Anovos Box
    • Are you a member of the 501st? - He provided a link to his 501st profile where "the main photo on my listing is what they used to make my profile picture on the member page for this suit."
    • How would I replace the gaskets? - He complained about how you had to use Weir's glue for the Anovos gaskets, and recommended Imperial Gaskets for replacements

    The majority of opinions regarding eBay from this thread are mostly negative, and I myself am always wary of eBay thanks to paranoia.


    Think I got screwed over?

    Assuming the product exists and as pictured, it looks like a legit and pretty good deal. Price is not beyond what I'd consider fair for what it is.

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  4. If you don't have permission to make copies of the item you're copying, you're recasting whichever way you do it.


    RS who made moulds from the original stormtrooper armour they own, that was made for the movie and used in it are also recasting. But it's generally, and widely accepted that if you own an original prop you can make copies of it. Although there is certainly some debate on this issue as well, especially for more recent movies that aren't 40 years old already.

  5. Even for a small resin object like the grenade Adam Savage was talking about, if you're only going to make 1 for your "spare", it doesn't make financial sense. Just the silicone and resin you need will set you back that $100 a "legit" 2nd grenade would cost. And then you'd have resin and silicone left overs that you don't need. And it will quickly go bad and become useless.


    So you'd have to make more than 1 spare. And what are you going to do with all the spares you made just to use up all that leftover resin? Surely you don't need 10 spares? Sell them? Boom, you've just become the bad kind of recaster. You could give them away to your friends who might be doing the same costume. It makes sense, right? But then the guy you've recast looses out on potential customers, and that's almost as  bad as selling them yourself.


    So there's a very, very narrow corridor of scenarios where you can justify recasting, and not either go immoral or put up with a great loss of money and/or time + effort instead of just supporting the artists themselves and keep living a cosy life yourself.

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