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Darth Clouds

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Posts posted by Darth Clouds

  1. 5) Then I start to use my hobby knife to press through these holes.

    Point to note; if you have to use considerable amount of strength to cut, then the number of holes are insufficient and if you slip, you may damage the lid. The whole idea of the holes is to reduce the structural integrity of the surface material where you are cutting. Patience.


    Also, press directly into the lines with holes. I use only vertical force. I avoided cutting horizontally to avoid slippage of the blade and damaging the sides of the eye.







    Safety point; Where are YOUR fingers on the other side of the lid? Keep asking yourself this question to avoid cutting yourself. Having a good grip on the lid and your work tool is very important to avoid accidents. You must find your own holding technique that you are comfortable with, safety, safety. Remember, you have to use those finger to scratch you an impolite person and pull the blaster trigger in the armor that you endeavour to complete.






  2. 3) I begin to scribe on the lines with the modelling knife to make a light grove as a guide for the dowel pin so that I will not slip when I make the indents using the sharp pointed dowel.




    4) Then I start using the dowel pin by poking through the abs, making tiny holes along the lines that I have drawn with the marker. I paid special attention to the curvatures at the corners of the eyes, the more holes the better the guide when you start cutting in the next stage. I poked from the front and back to make sure these tiny holes are dense and close to each other.



  3. Hi all,


    I have been from zero newbie in TK armor, and now have acquired some good armor from respectable members of the community. And have also benefited from member builders who share their knowledge and good advice.


    This method may not be new, I decide to take sometime to document my build and share some of my modelling knowledge in the hope to contribute for the good of the community and potential fellow newbies in TK armor.


    But in the process, if I screw up :6: , you will know what NOT to follow and avoid at all cost.


    And I hope that members can chip in to advise or critic the process, please.


    I have acquired an AP set of armor and will start my build with the helmet.


    Before I start my build, I inspected the relevant pieces and found some weak points in the vac form, mainly in the depressions and sharp corners. I hold the pieces against a light source since thinner areas will let more light pass through, and I identified these weak areas that are damaged or prone to damage, that I have to work on and strengthen later by using the God sent advise from "TI 3844" , please see this link: http://whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=2041


    Here are the pictures showing the thinner areas against the light source.






    1) Here is the setup that I will use to begin the trimming of the eyes. I am not going to use dremmel. Just simple tools; a cutting mat, dowel, fine tamiya marker pen, tamiya modelling knife and a pair of tamiya straight side cutter. ( I am not advertising, just happen to have these from my miniature modelling)


    Point to remember: Good tools are important, it will save you alot of efforts and costly mistakes.

    Safety first, the workbench must be tidy.






    2) Than I set out to mark the eye areas of the lid with a safety distance from the edges.




  4. Since parts are popping it's not a fusing glue which means it's 100% removable. The downside is the remedy will kill the glue on the entire helmet.


    Stick the helmet in the freezer overnight. You'll be able to take the helmet apart with ease in the morning, assuming it's not mostly apart already.




    Thank you for the tip. I will definitely give it a try and feedback.


    Thanks again. :lol:

  5. My missus just bought me a helmet from an Ebay member called NewImage58 the other week.I am overjoyed with it as its the first decent helmet ive owned.A really amazing fiberglass replica.


    Anyone know of these helmets and its origins? If you look up his username you should be able to see the helmet im on about.Im really happy with mine :)




    If my missus bought me a helmet that looks like a hybrid between Bugs Bunny and a stormtrooper, and I don't get beaten up by other troopers when they spot me wearing it, I will wear it with pride and with affection :dance: !!!!!!!


    You should be proud to have such a good missus


    IMO, you should make your missus proud by wearing it during trooping, how is she suppose to know that ORIGINS should be one of the considerations when buying a present for a loved one. IMO, don't make life complicated, enjoy the hobby and saviour the love presented by the RECASTED :lol: lid!


    RECAST OR NOT, I am sure that lid is special and will have a place in your heart.


    By the way, which soul can claim that they have never in their life used any knockoff or imitation products, knowingly or in ignorance, but derived utility from it? <_<


    But of course I do not support a DIRECT recast of someone else's efforts and work, it is tantamount to stealing of intellectual property.


    But if troopers on a budget wants to troop to enjoy the hobby, and do good for the general public and society at large, shouldn't we support it?


    We just have to be aware not to buy items that we know for sure are recasted directly without any modifications from someone else's hard work or investment. And not develop an elitist or class system for TK armors. And I do see examplifications of such good practice in a few of the TK armour suppliers, who help give opinions and advise, but seldom belittle others. In that you have my utmost respect and support! :salute: Buy what we can afford, with considerations to investment and intellectual property rights of owners so as to enable them (keep your fingers crossed) to improve our enjoyment the hobby in the future.


    IMO, the objective of owning an "accurate" armour or one higher up the food chain should be that of an interest on the technical design and the appreciation of the engineering capabilites that made the armor what it was then, and not as an extension of ones financial ability and image.


    IMO, respect the person under the suit for the good that he does and not the outter shell. Be happy with what you have and enjoy the hobby. :lol:



  6. You guys have a great philosophy!


    I agree, I do have a great girlfriend; she's even able to not glaze over (too much) when I talk about this stuff. :-)


    If I were to go either the TE2 route, or the AP one, where would I procure them? I've had info on the AP one, but as I'm a wet-behind-the-ears newbie it would be great to know of some trusted sources from folks who've actually made purchases themselves.


    Also, I've seen many pictures of an AP, but TE2 seems harder to find any pictures of?


    Any ideas...


    Also I have to say I've never really done anything like this before, the costume building, OR using a forum, (whenever I've researched anything in the past and looked around forums people seem to be so sniffy, patronising and haughty) but all I see on this forum is amazing support, genuine friendship and a real love of the subject.


    Bravo Troopers!






    You have FX and just need a lid now I presume.....different material age differently (each has its pros and cons, like everything else). Though you should know or may already have. The older troopers will soon point you to the right directions as they have done for me :P . There are a few vendors who really shows character and ethics. Patience....... B)

  7. Very true...


    Thanks for the reply my friend.


    To start with, I want ANH, stunt style.


    I want to own a helmet that I can look at with as much joy as someone who wouldn't know the subtle differences could.


    I want something I can work on myself to finish off, to make it 'mine'.


    I want something that won't niggle me when I look at it because it's just not right.


    I want a nice, asymetrical, as-accurate-as-it-can-be, troopable bucket that gives me the same excited rush whenever I look at it that I get whenever I see the troops blasting their way in to the Tantive IV in the film.


    I've done months of research, online, in archives, at Berman and Nathans and even going to Shepperton, but what I can't do is hold them, compare them, and as you guys have trooped and no doubt seen each other's lids, compared and contrasted and are in the know.


    That's what I want.







    First of all, welcome to the forum eneluron :lol: and I am quite new to this forum too.


    I had the same dilemma as you.


    I ended up buying a AP for trooping :huh: ,


    In the process of procureing a TE2 because of close lineage to the original


    Queueing :P for a TM because it is sculpted from scratch as a faithful representation of the impression from the big screen by a fan (I admire B) the art and skill, the item has the blood and soul of its creator which gives the item "character" IMO).


    Too many for a start you might say, but I guess the guys and gals over here can only give you opinions and experiences. Which I am very much appreciative for their sharing.


    But if you go along with someone else's opinion, it might not suit your needs in the end <_< .


    It's like courtship and marriage. You have to go out there, get a first hand experience yourself, choose and decide. Sometimes there is no shortcuts when you want all your own demands met. And IMO good things normally don't come at rock bottom prices. It depends the weightage you place on this need of yours versus the other issues in life, always competing for your limited resources (i.e. time, money and attention etc). It's like marriage, all the girls are good :P , but you can only marry one <_< . Then, there may be divorces :mellow: , when things don't workout (that's when you see collectors selling or auctioning their old stuff), then comes remarriage (with the sales money, buy new ones). Its a journey.


    For now, it will take me at least three suits to satisfy my collecting needs, though on a budget but realising that dream is important to me, I will have to sacrifice on other things that are IMO less important. Life is short, how many more blocks of five years do we have, and not forgetting there the surprises around every corner?


    Hope this philosophy of mine can help in your decision making process and help manage your needs. :)


    Lastly, IMO you have a very supportive girlfriend, treat her well.

  8. Hey, ItsThatMan thanks! I found the movie.


    And thanks for the welcomes and guide. I have seen that movie on the big screen when my friends and I hanged out when we were school kids (LOL) thats a long time ago.


    It really brings back memories seeing that it had such an impact on you guys too.


    I had a good laugh right from the beginning of that movie with a long long long long......long death star chasing the tantive. :lol: and throwing out coffee with the vader mask down.




    You know alien language?


    No, I was just clearing my throat.

  9. Hi thanks again,



    Yes thumper, Singapore is small in geographic area but compact with a lot of things to explore. Hope you visit again, I will make sure you won't miss it this time. B)


    Anthony, Wo Hen Hao, Xie Xie! Ni Hao Ma? Wishing all is well over at the golden gate bridge.


    Tomatonor, PM me if you get a more definitive date on you posting :lol: Or if you have any queries now to help you prepare for your translocation.


    Datetrin, ItsThatGuy, Guns, Stormtrooperjoe,Kahler-8029, TK8280, TK_MD thanks for the welcome! :lol::P



    Cordially from me to you.

  10. Hi Guys,


    Thank you for the welcomes. I am going to bed now (3 am over here), let me dream of some numbers for the lottery :P


    Beijing is nice, but polluted :( . Singapore is nice, so is the US-especially rockpot in Boston, so is UK, so is...."home is where the heart is" :lol:


    I know I will enjoy this forum. And have meaningful and constructive discussions, debates and sharing of findings.


    Once again nice to know you guys


    Cordially from me to you.

  11. Hi Huttman,


    I came on board a little late to help answer your question. But late better than never I hope. Follow this link to a japan blog written in english, very informative and humorous. The owner of the blog troop in TK armor in Japan and had quite an experience with the said supplier. He has vader stuff too. I am not making a judgement here because all of us have different experiences.


    So enjoy this site. :)





  12. Hi,


    I am new to the forum. I am wondering if any of you have come across this movie because I am trying to find it now without any success.


    It is a spoof of ANH, comedy shown on the big screen in the early 80s'. If I recall correctly, the deceased actor "John Candy" was chewbaca.


    Hope you guys can give me the headsup if available.



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