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AP, TE2, or TM Lid Users: HELP PLEASE!

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Hey everyone.


Well, I am really excited because I am getting my Trooper Master armor next week, but I am trying to figure out how to do the interior of my helmet. One of my primary concerns is staying cool during long periods.


Do you guys know of any ways in addition to cooling fans to work against the heat / sweat problem during trooping? Actually, I am particularly concerned with the inside of my helmet getting really sweaty and smelly. Do you all know of any ways to keep moisture from accumulating inside the helmet? Also, if you have tried a number of different cooling setups inside your helmets, is there one that you have found to be most effective? One of the things I have been concerned about is balancing padding with space for cooling machinery. I don't want the helmet to wobble around, but I also want to have enough stuff to keep me cool.


Also, I have heard about some full-face Underarmor head gear that is supposed to help to absorb moisture? I don't know, that's why I am asking you guys. What are some of the most effective ways that you stay relatively cool inside your lids?



I would really appreciate any help anyone is aple to give. Specifically, I would love to get some advice from people with AP, TE2, or Troopermaster lids because I heard the interiors of those helmets are less spacious then the FX or MRCE. Pics are much appreciated!

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I just have the star shapped foam inside my lid and that does me. It can get warm inside there during thesummer but there is a lot of room for the air to circulate inside.


Just use anti fog spray on the inside of the visor and you should be fine. You can get balaclava' from motorbike shops to keep cool and warm if you wish but i only use that during the winter at outdoor events to keep toasty.

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Here's what I did for my AP lid:



Basically, I took 2 kneepads and cut them up. I've used contact glue, but I guess any type might work.

And I glued a piece of foam just beneath the lenses. This keeps them from fogging up too much from breathing.


As you can see, there's still room in between the pads for fans and such.

Edited by gmrhodes13
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I've owned FX. GF. RT & MRCE lids over the years, and apart from the huge FX, the other 3 are about the same size IMHO... especially when you cram everything in them. :huh:


I have a full ROM/FX setup in my MRCE, inc speakers !!


I have a single PC fan facing upwards, stuck between the 2 speaker pods. Bit of a squeeze, but heat build-up has never seemed to be a problem.

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