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ANH Strapping


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Also switched the thigh strap from a buckle to a loop which he sewed directly on to the Velcro so it should be nice and stable

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Also did some major upgrades to the chest piece I was told I should fill the gaps on the underside of the shoulder strap to make it more stable so with the help of my girlfriend, we went through the tedious process of cutting strips of abs to fill in each gap. 2b0a2a65292fd81abbe3cbc5652d62c4.jpg

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Also decided to take off the Velcro that was holding the front straps and glue it with e6000, I was told to not glue the back straps and leave it free floating so I have a piece of white elastic holding the back strap in place.

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Also added black elastic to the forearm armor so it will be a lot easier to put on and stay in place. Before I had to stuff mine with padding to keep
It in place!

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Looks like you may have trimmed a little too much off your large ab plate.




Note the border around the base of the ab plate. You should be ok for basic approval but would need to adjust this for higher levels

 LSuei4K.jpg?1   JViLwBX.jpg?1


You can if you wish trim part of the large tab off the back of your shoulder straps (if they are long enough)


NOTE As seen in the photos below, there are no large tabs on the rear of the shoulder bridges.  This is not specifically mentioned in the CRL, but removing them is highly recommended if possible.

 qb4YVKO.jpg?1   B3vL4VO.jpg?1 FAKhPZ2.jpg?1


I normally will add another plate across these filler pieces, makes the straps super strong.





A few of your coverstrips have a small gap, note the forearms, you may want to address these as they may be mentioned in your application, make sure when gluing areas under any strain that you leave for at least 48 hours up to 72 hours.


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I appreciate the feedback luckily I’m already basic approved and have been trooping in this kit for a few months now just been addressing some major issues I’ve had and I didn’t realize about the large tab on the back of the shoulder strap. Also I’m a little worried about the back just being held in place by a piece of elastic do you usually carry extra elastic in case it snaps? Also for the forearm armor I had to trim a lot of the return edge to get it to properly fit (since I have skinny forearms) so we had to work with what was left when it came to gluing the cover strips.

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I used double snaps in a lot of places, I've had only one fail in 13 years and having the spare kept me trooping. I used to carry quite a lot of extras, snaps, elastic, glue, tools etc etch but over time I've only really used them for other troopers and not myself, I just leave it at home now. 

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Small update ended up cutting the last tab on the back strap problem is it’s now too short for the elastic to slide over the back plate unless I move it to the very last tab. I still have yet to do a test fitting so it may actually be better once it is actually on me. Luckily the black strap on the underside is holding the front and back plates together so hopefully this won’t be too much of an issue.

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Just one thing for higher levels: 

OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):

  • The plastic shoulder straps need to be held down in the back via a white elastic band to the white fabric that connects/bridges the chest and back piece.

Normally we use white elastic to connect the chest to backplate under the shoulder straps


Chest and back shall be connected with a white fabric or preferably elastic strap at the shoulders.  As seen in the images from screen used armor below, this ideally must be approximately 2 inches (48 mm) wide.

 e7nuWKG.jpg?1  83VZq1e.jpg?1

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