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[88] TK-24512 "Deytrim" Troop Log


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I give permission for FISD to repost my photos on social media in an appropriate fashion.


[1-2] - 17 & 18/02/2018 - "Avignon Geek Festival" at Avignon

[3] - 17/03/2018 - Hôpital de Gap at Gap

[4-5] - 14 & 15/04/2018 - "Carnaval de la Duranne" at Aix-en-Provence

[6] - 21/04/2018 - Blu-Ray of The Last Jedi at Cultura Plan-de-Campagne

[7] - 23/05/2018 - Solo at Cinéma Pathé Plan-de-Campagne

[8] - 09/06/2018 - Hôpital Pédiatrique de Aix-en-Provence at Aix-en-Provence

[9] - 03/07/2018 - "Boum des enfants" at Sausset-les-Pins

[10] - 25/08/2018 - Léo's Birthday at Forcalquier

[11] - 20/10/2018 - "Journée Don du Sang" at Marseille

[12-13] - 10 & 11/11/2018 - "Hero Festival Marseille" at Marseille

[14-15] - 09 & 10/02/2019 - "Play Azur Festival" at Nice

[16-17] - 23 & 24/02/2019 - "Japan Expo Sud" at Marseille

[18] - 30/03/2019 - "L'Envol des Princes" at Salon-de-Provence

[19-20] - 27 & 28/04/2019 - "Generation Star Wars et SF" at Cusset

[21] - 18/05/2019 - "Caserne des Sapeurs Pompiers de Vitrolles" at Vitrolles

[22] - 08/06/2019 - "King Jouet" at Plan-de-Campagne

[23-24] - 14 & 15/06/2019 - "Kiwanis Force Event II" at Les Baux-de-Provence

[25] - 05/10/2019 - "Ciné-Concert A New Hope" at Metz

[26] - 19/10/2019 - "Journée Don du Sang" at Aix-en-Provence

[27] - 19/10/2019 - "Ciné-Concert A New Hope" at Montpellier

[28-29] - 09 & 10/11/2019 - "Hero Festival Marseille" at Marseille

[30] - 18/12/2019 - The Rise of Skywalker at Cinéma Pathé Plan-de-Campagne

[31] - 19/12/2019 - Hôpital de La Timone at Marseille

[32] - 21/12/2019 - Pic Wik Toys at Vitrolles

[33] - 08/03/2020 - "Carnaval de la Duranne" at Aix-en-Provence

[34] - 22/05/2021 - Pic Wik Toys at Vitrolles

[35] - 16/10/2021 - "Congrès National des Pompiers" at Marseille

[36-37] - 06 & 07/11/2021 - "Hero Festival Marseille" at Marseille

[38] - 04/12/2021 - Bibliothèque at Saint-Mitre-les-Remparts

[39] - 11/12/2021 - "Ciné-Concert Empire Strike Back" at Marseille

[40-41] - 12 & 13/02/2022 - "Avignon Geek Expo" at Avignon

[42] - 02/04/2022 - "Des Ailes dans les Yeux" at Aérodrôme du Castellet

[43] - 03/04/2022 - "Carnaval de la Duranne" at Aix-en-Provence

[44-45] - 09 & 10/04/2022 - "Manga'Nîmes" at Nîmes

[46-47] - 30/04 & 01/05/2022 - "CSFO Orange" at Orange

[48-49] - 14 & 15/05/2022 - "Festival Manga & Fictions" at Martigues

[50-51] - 28 & 29/05/2022 - "Génération Multivers" at Orléans

[52] - 18/06/2022 - Bibliothèque at Saint-Mitre-les-Remparts

[53-54] - 25 & 26/06/2022 - "Castle Geek Festival" at Châteaurenard

[55-56] - 17 & 18/09/2022 - "Festival Mangalaxy" at Valence

[57] - 29/10/2022 - "Man'Gap" at Gap

[58-59] - 08 & 09/10/2022 - "Manga'Hora" at Aubagne

[60-61] - 05 & 06/11/2022 - "Hero Festival Marseille" at Marseille

[62] - 26/11/2022 - "Orchetre d'Harmonie d'Ollioules : Tribute to John Williams" at Ollioules

[63] - 20/12/2022 - "Cérémonie remise du chèque de don au Téléthon" at Ollioules

[64-65] - 25 & 26/03/2023 - "Toulouse Game Show" at Montpellier

[66] - 01/04/2023 - Star Wars Celebration at London

[67] - 15/04/2023 - Bibliothèque at Saint-Mitre-les-Remparts

[68-69] - 29 & 30/04/2023 - "CSFO Orange" at Orange

[70-71] - 13 & 14/05/2023 - "Festival Manga et Fictions" at Martigues

[72] - 29/05/2023 - Leclerc at Mornas les Adrets

[73] - 17/06/2023 - Maison du Don du Sang at Marseille

[74-75] - 23 & 24/09/2023 - Coupe Icare

[76] - 30/10/2023 - Magic Collectors at Aubagne

[77-78] - 11 & 12/11/2023 - Hero Festival at Marseille

[79] - 16/11/2023 - Rogue One at Cinéma Pathé Plan-de-Campagne

[80] - 21/12/2023 - Return of the Jedi at Cinéma Pathé Plan-de-Campagne

[81-82] - 10 & 11/02/2024 - "Avignon Geek Expo" at Avignon

[83] - 17/02/2024 - Nice Carnaval

[84] - 13/04/2024 - Bibliothèque at Saint-Mitre-les-Remparts

[85] - 04/05/2024 - Cinéma "Le Palace" at Martigues - The Phantom Menace

[86-87] - 04 & 05/05/2024 - Star Wars Marathon at Cinéma Pathé Plan-de-Campagne for May the 4th

[88] - 12/05/2024 - "Salon Manga Family" at Martigues

Edited by Deytrim
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  • Deytrim changed the title to [84] TK-24512 "Deytrim" Troop Log
  • Deytrim changed the title to [88] TK-24512 "Deytrim" Troop Log

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