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general questions about future ap kit build[*AP]


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hello everyone


I'm hoping to start building an AP set of armor soon and have some general questions. Hopefully this is the right forum for them, and hopefully they haven't already been asked and answered a million times (although I'm sure they have, in which case you could just point me in the right direction).


What do you prefer for bonding the abs - Devcon plastic welder or abs glue?


For attaching the shoulder bells and other pieces do you use elastic or a non-stretchy webbing? I would think you'd want the bells and thigh pieces fairly steady and so use webbing. Also webbing for the ab an lower back suspenders. Elastic for the hands. Or is it just personal preference?


What kind of cooling/defogging mechanism do you use, if any - fans or blowers?


What about the undersuit - do you find that a dive-suit type material doesn't breathe well enough and causes a lot of sweating? I was looking into either a two-piece underarmour-type set-up or I saw this one-piece undersuit and neck seal combo on Shadowdalecreations (anyone have any thoughts on that item or company?)


Is purchasing brow trim and an edge trim necessary for the AP helmet kit?


thanks for any help. I'll let you know how my build goes when I get the armor.


Also, thanks for those who answered my question about the aerators for the ap helmet.

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hello everyone


I'm hoping to start building an AP set of armor soon and have some general questions. Hopefully this is the right forum for them, and hopefully they haven't already been asked and answered a million times (although I'm sure they have, in which case you could just point me in the right direction).


What do you prefer for bonding the abs - Devcon plastic welder or abs glue?


For attaching the shoulder bells and other pieces do you use elastic or a non-stretchy webbing? I would think you'd want the bells and thigh pieces fairly steady and so use webbing. Also webbing for the ab an lower back suspenders. Elastic for the hands. Or is it just personal preference?


What kind of cooling/defogging mechanism do you use, if any - fans or blowers?


What about the undersuit - do you find that a dive-suit type material doesn't breathe well enough and causes a lot of sweating? I was looking into either a two-piece underarmour-type set-up or I saw this one-piece undersuit and neck seal combo on Shadowdalecreations (anyone have any thoughts on that item or company?)


Is purchasing brow trim and an edge trim necessary for the AP helmet kit?


thanks for any help. I'll let you know how my build goes when I get the armor.


Also, thanks for those who answered my question about the aerators for the ap helmet.


i use devcon but am becoming a fan of CA glue and e6000.


i dont use any fans, some do, some dont.


you do not need to purchase the brow/neck trim.


go for two pice "under armor" style suits.


as for the shoulder bells, it depends. if you attaching them to the chest/back us webbing. if your going for the two shoulders connected together idea use elastic between the two bells.

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