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DIY Armor... Made out of WHAT?

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Hi. I'm interested in making my own DIY TK armor, and possibly some other armors for the future (possibly Biker Scout). So I'm trying to figure out. What should I make the hard armor out of? so PLEASE help me. And, if possible I can mold. I was thinking fiberglass then sending down to my uncle's boat shop in FL to gloss/paint it. I was also thinking plastic because it was lightweight but it is to hard to mold. I need something easy to mold. :D Help whitearmor.net, your my only hope! XD :smiley-sw013:


           :sSW_stormtroopers:  :dancing-trooper:  trying out the smileys... sorry, they are so cool!

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Most armors are made with a form of plastics.

the classics are made from either ABS or HIPS plastics. 

But naturally there are many other options and self-made armors with different materials.


As long as you know what you are doing i say do whatever makes you happy lol.

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:dancing-trooper:  :Stormtrooper_walk_south:  :td:  :deathstar1:  :sSW_stormtroopers:  :stormtrooper: Thanks! Really im trying to make it lightweight and comfortable. So plastics,im aware, are lightweight and are overall a large option, but im looking for a easier mold. If i could just find something that would fit these statistics not being a plastic, it would be great. You see, my Dad's best friend is a welder and knows what to do. He has a large varitey of rescorces, and is a great person in all to help me do this. So, he says that alot of pressure and heat are reqiured to do this. Im just trying to make it easier on him (and to also speed up the process). So thanks anyway, and will definitely be an option if all else fails.

Edited by TKTroopa
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