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Weemers' ATA ESB WIP

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Hey everyone, so like I said in my intro, for now I just have the helmet kit so this will be a long WIP, but I'm gonna need all the help I can get so feel free to jump in whenever.<br><br>
First I started on the eyes and the teeth. I don't have a high powered dremel, and I feel I lack the coordination to really use it, so I am tediously scoring and snapping everything. But I do have a low powered drill, and using that for the eyes, I punched out a number of spots on the eyes, and then connected the dots with the X-acto. Pretty much the same for the teeth, except with only one or two holes in each tooth.



After finishing the eyes and teeth and trimming off the rough stuff around the edges, this is what I have.  Overall I'm pretty pleased with myself.  I think the eyes came out great.  The teeth proved to be difficult, you can see I had a considerable amount of trouble with the far left little guy.  But I'm saving up all of my scrap ABS, so when all is said and done, I will go back and do some dental work.  As for the top, I measured 1.25" from the top of the eyes and trimmed, however, I'm not exactly sure where to extend the line too...If I cut a straight line across, it cuts the corners of the facemask into an obtuse angle. Do I just cut the straight line? Or do I need to focus on keeping the corners of the face mask as square as possible? Or does it just not matter because it's all going to be covered? you can see the cut is wonky because I didn't really know where to cut. Although it may look weird, the indent is not too deep.  IMG_5123_zpsopgv2swk.jpgToday, I'm gonna work on cutting out the cap/back and fastening the two pieces together.  Exciting stuff! Thanks for the help!
Edited by weemers52
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I avoided trimming the face plate (top, bottom, sides) until I made sure what the placement was on the cap&back. Seemed to be higher risk on the side of the face plate vs the forehead/brow. I also did the testing with the brow trim in place, I think that's how I saw it on the helmet assembly videos from tk4510.<br>

I'm no expert, I'm still building myself, but looks decent so far though a little rounded right side (of picture) teeth.

Edited by Trogdor
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