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Start to finish ANH Stunt Video Tutorial?

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I've been looking around without much luck for a video tutorial on armor builds from start to finish. The best I have found is Trooperbay's build for a sandtrooper but I don't think even that is complete. Anyone know a good resource that would go well for this?

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Trooperbay's video series is probably 85% of what you need (and that's assuming you're 5'8" to 6'2" and a relatively lean 160-200 lbs depending on height). He builds it "as it should be" assuming that the parts will fit in a general range. I believe Mike lost some footage in there, but it's really just some of the torso trimming. You really want to a watch someone trim every piece for hours upon hours?


The point I'm trying to make here is that it's more than enough to get you completed. The torso needs to be trimmed to your size, just as every other part needs to be. And even after you're completed, you probably need to trim some more after your first troop.

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This is the video generation, but look at some WIP's they are just photos, but it's enough to get you going. I just got done with a build and I moved pretty quickly, it took me 30 hours to complete. There are some who do it faster, there are some who do it slower, but lets say there is a super professional who can do it in 10 hours. Then with editing, we can compress this down to 5 hours. Do you really want to spend 5 hours watching a video of making a trooper when you can use that time to actually build one yourself? :D Heck, even compressing down to two hours....

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