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Dragon Con 2013 Boba Fett interview!


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While I am newer to the Stormtrooper world, it being my 4th Star Wars costume I did, here's a nice article on me that a guy did at Dragon Con this year with the first Star Wars costume I made - Boba Fett. I thought he did a good job on it. :)


This was my first big costume I ever did (1999), and periodically keep going back to doing upgrades on it here and there. This summer was the biggest overhaul I had done to it in many years, bringing me a new helmet, boots, vest, and jetpack + movie style harness combo. As odds have it, the interviewer saw my suit and told me it was one of the best Fetts he'd seen up close and wanted to do a pictoral of it. Guess I was just at the right place at the right time. One of those fluke things that happen at Dragon Con. :laugh1: Originally at the con he said they were going to be doing a whole spread on the 501st, but a few days after Dragon Con, he texted me and told me his editor nixed the 501st story but still wanted to run one on just my Boba Fett. Here you go:



Out of all the different costumes I've made over the years (both Star Wars and non-Star Wars), none of them have the amount of labor hours, dollars, or time suited up at events that this one has into it. Since it was my first one, it's still what I consider my "flagship" of all my costumes, so yeah....I am proud of being able to have this nice article done about it. :) Since no Boba Fett costumer you talk to will ever say their costume is "done", yes, there are still a few minor tweaks I want to do to this costume, but as it stands right now, it's a solid representation of an ROTJ Boba Fett. 

Edited by MisterFett
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Nice article!..and fantastic costume:-)...two thumbs up:-)..

Boba Fett is my favourite character, ( the main reason I have him tattooed on the left side of my back). On a close second place comes the Stormtrooper....

Edited by SorenM
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     Thanks for sharing.  I actually did see this article already (perhaps through a share on FB), and was truly impressed with your build.  Excellent work, you've clearly done your research, and the labor required to get to that point.  However, it is said that it's better to be lucky than good sometimes.  You apparently know how and when to be both.

     Congratulations on the fine appearance of your Boba Fett (I do think it is truly awesome), and the inclusion in the article!

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