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tk kit help and advice

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I am currently trooping in a set of FX armor that is now going on eight years old. Its showing some wear and I started planning about two years ago to turn this into a TD. At that time I bought another set of FX to make a new TK.


Its now been two years and im finally about to embark on doing this. I want to make my new TK at a minimum qualify for expert infantryman status. However as I started doing my research i am growing concerned that maybe I should get a different set to make this better.


So my question is - is it too hard or impossible to turn an FX into expert infantryman? I bought the FX kit without a helmet and have an RT-MOD for it so I should be fine with the helmet.

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It is not impossible, there are many tips in this forum to help you do it. Here is a good one to start with: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=12478 The hemet should do nicely.

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That's a great help and the good news is that I bought the ab buttons a while back so that's one off the list.


One thing that the tutorial didn't cover is shortening the chest and back pieces. Is there any difficulty or things I should be aware of as I do this?

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Shortening the chest and back aren't even required to get to EIB, but it's well worth doing, makes an FX look so much more accurate.


You'll want to put a new return edge on the chest and back after cutting, for which you'll need a sealing iron (or similar).


Here's a great example of the chest plate mod: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=3938


Here's a thread on doing return edges: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=12972

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