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Do you think the move along helmet was the first helmet made for the movie?

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Hi all,


i know this is just fantasy thinking and far fetched but i sincerely think that the move along helmet might have been the first helmet pulled and assembled for the movie.


why am i saying this?


well look at all the defects of the helmet ( which makes it great and legendary by the way)


the time frame the sandy were made in.


the real bad pull around the teeth area


the crack in the tube and behind one ear. bad assembly or struggled with assembly...


the badly cut ear piece...


the weirdly cut eye area...


the black grill on the hovi mix tips...



all signs point out that this might have been one of the so called mythical "prototype helmet" some people are talking about on the net.





i wonder...mmmmmm.....

Edited by LittleOne
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i always thought that due to time constraints a number of helmets were made and shipped out to Tunisia for the Sandtroopers the HDPE helmets i think (unsure)and these would have been put together on set while trying to get the Sandtrooper look


if your trying to pin point one helmet being made first where would the Davin Helmet fit into this as he's seen first.


i like your thinking though and a great thread

Edited by supa troop
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