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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Thumper

  1. I think rivets have been sufficiently covered..... :)


    As for screws and washers, I have them holding my belt pieces on to the ab plate so I can take it apart more easily for transport. The screws were from a white electrical outlet cover (white screws to match the white armor). Not sure of the specific size but I just went from the electrical aisle at my Home Depot with the cover to the hardware aisle and matched up what I needed.

  2. iam118 said:
    I've had someone recommend that to me as well, but since I saw how big the thing is I said no way is my armor going to fit. Without the helmet would make sense, what do you do with yours then? Carry on?


    I haven't had to travel by air with my TK so the problem hasn't come up. I have this case from The Container Store:



    Its fairly study, is quite a bit larger so it will hold the helmet, and lockable. You could use it to fly, but you will most surely get charged for an oversized piece of luggage.


    That being said, carry-on for the helmet would be the way to go if you used the Wal-Mart case. There were helmet bags being sold at one time on the Legion board or you might be able to pick up a flight helmet bag.

  3. Actually ...... what might be a good idea is to put a notice on the "Join the Legion" link, that specifically directs prospective members to the sign up on the Detachment board for the costume they are interested in.


    It can state that the CRL is a work in progress but each detachment is aware of the specific requirements that determine if a costume is suitable. It might avoid having people buy something and then discovering its going to take a lot of work to repair or modify.

  4. The Wal-Mart case James mentioned above I use for my TB armor/helmet. I can get my TK armor in it, without the helmet. And it has wheels. Definitely need wheels.


    That being said, I flew with my TB armor/helmet and it survived without a problem. I use a TSA approved luggage lock for added security. Plus, you can always ask TSA to do a hand check of your luggage. I did this because after taking an hour to carefully configure the pieces to fit without being crushed, I didn't want someone hastily throwing the pieces back in the bin.


    Didn't seem to be a problem but I would allow extra time. All it takes is a busy airport and you could be standing there a while.

  5. The full FX kit comes with the hardware but I don't think it matters for size so long as you aren't trying to use something akin to an eyeglass screw (really tiny) or a 1" bolt (really large) :D


    For my FX belt, I used screws from a wall switch plate. You can buy the switch plate and then use the screws while you're in the hardware store to find nuts that will work. Plus you have the added advantage that the screws are white. I have one screw on each side and I use regular nuts, that way I can disassemble the belt for transport.


    Also, measure the thickness of the belt/ab plate assembly before you go shopping. Some of the switch plate screws can be too short. You definitely will need something at least 1/2 inch long.

  6. Alex,


    I attached the front belt and two side strips of ABS belt material (one each side) that came with my FX to the Ab Plate with a screw and nut. I used extra long replacement screws for a white wall switch plate, so the heads are white. Any screw would work; it doesnt take any effort to color the heads.


    The front belt overlaps the ABS strip on each side and the screw goes in the front of the belt, through the ABS strip, and then through the Ab plate.


    I have the thermal detonator attached with screws to one of the pieces of the ABS strip. Velcro is on each strip to connect them together. I also have a small strip of velcro on my kidney plate to connect to a corresponding strip of velcro on one of the ABS strips to help hold the whole thing in place on the armor.


    I was lucky and two ABS strips worked nice to complete the belt but you can always trim them down if you are skinny and have a lot of overlap in the back.


    I thought I had a photo to sharebut no luck so, I hope the above helps and makes sense.

  7. Christopher, you got the store right. I found it at a Pep Boys.


    At one point I had some extra but I'm down to my last extra piece, having sold most of it off over the last few months. You will only need about 17-18 inches. If someone wants the last 20 inch piece, send me a PM.

  8. Its good that no one was injured; property damage can always be repaired too. That's why you pay for insurance; it takes care of you when things like this happen.


    Either way, report the facts to your insurance company, advise them that a report for hit and run was taken and get your car fixed. Potentially, the woman whose car you were pushed into may try to get you to pay for her damages. She should do the same thing though and report the facts to her insurance company. Let the insurance companies work it out.


    It would be this way regardless of if you got the hit and run driver's tag. Hit and run is a criminal charge; the courts can levy fines and order damages paid but only if the driver gets convicted. That could take months, even if the police had the information to hunt him down and if your car is heavily damaged, you would have to wait all that time.


    Your right, it will at least cost you your deductible and maybe an increased premium. If you have a good record with a reputable company, they should take your record into account before they jack up the costs. Even still, don't be afraid to negotiate with them if that happens and look elsewhere for coverage. While you will have to report the accident to any insurance agencies you are thinking about switching to, it may be cheaper than the increased premiums with the company you have now.


    But all this speculating is getting ahead of things; start with calling your insurance company and talking with them. And if you are really dissatisfied with the trooper, then call the local barracks and make the complaint.


    And always be glad its just a little car damage.

  9. I'll bite:


    1) As with most, I've been a fan since the first viewing in May 1977. Collected the figures/playsets as a child; role played with he other kids in the neighborhood; was made fun of by the other kids; and rejoiced when the franchise was brought bcak to the big screen in 1999.


    2) As I said, the toys were a big part of the experience but in reality, it was the idea of another world, another life and you know what? It just looked like fun! Who didn't want a lightsaber as a kid?


    3) The story of R2-KT drew me to the Legion last year; costuming was a way to take part in that as well as relive a big part of my childhood. The friends I'm making are what continue to drive it. After having not been a part of the Star Wars/sci-fi community for years, I forgot how accepting everyone is and how much fun this can be.


    4) The internet allows me to reach out to people I would only meet 1 or 2 times a year at conventions; it allows me to share a few problems and find unique solutions; and it connects me to the whole world and costs so very little to do so.

  10. Cripes Nathan, even though it was bad hit, I hate to think what more it could have been had a larger vehicle come along. Rest up brother, take it easy and you'll be back in action before long. Good to hear you're ok.


    Sounds like you could make a public service message video: Stormtroopers and Bicyclists - Always Wear Their Brain Bucket!

  11. CureMode said:

    I was just wondering if anyone has used this Radio Shack Amp for their voice amplification..




    It looks pretty good and its only $18.19. I already have a good mic to use with it, and it only takes one 9V. Currently I am using a Wal-Mart voice changer I modified to fit in my existing FX helmet. I am getting a new fiberglass one that is much smaller and I would prefer not to mess with trying to fit everything in it. I was either going to use a spare Wal-mart one I have, a Newton, or this thing under my chest piece. Any feedback from anyone who has used this or the Newton would be appreciated.


    I think a lot of people have used this one (myself included) as it replaced an older model that Radio Shack once had. I cannibalized the inside just for the electronics and hooked my own hovi-mix speakers to it. I also plug my mike into the 3mm jack and it works great. Fairly easy to disassemble for your own purposes or just run a mike to it and place the unit under your chest armor.

  12. I say go have fun at the county fair Paul. There's bound to be tons of kids there who will love having their picture taking with you and you might even recruit a few new members in the process.

    (Just make sure someone is there to watch your back while you're in the helmet.)

  13. Well, I for one are not gonna show my face, but I'm hoping to be on youtube :) as I will do funny stuff. Gonna get a buddy to record me while I go to macdonalds and order food, gonna ride a bus, people will be like, wtf? I'm gonna scare kids and hump stuff.


    McDonalds = good


    Ride a bus = good


    Scare kids = not so good if done intentionally; remember we want to represent a positive image of Star Wars and what it brings to our lives


    Hump stuff = definitely not in public!


    Dance, sing, help old ladies across the street, walk a dog,...just always remember that as long as you are in armor, you represent a franchise that has brought great joy to many thousands of people for 30 years. It takes years to build a positive reputation and only seconds to destroy it.

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