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Everything posted by keith

  1. Yes it can. The comlink tip he made and posted pictures of in a for sale thread on the rpf shows a mark that i put into my mic tips master. I don't know EVO3 and have nothing against him or anything. Like i said, i didn't even bother saying anything about the comlink, but now he seems to be selling them as mic tips. Keith.
  2. AJCG said they are EVO mic tips. I just found the thread on the rpf for the comlinks which were built using a recast of my mic tip and his user name on the rpf is EVO3. Keith.
  3. Who made the mic tips? I know someone on the rpf recast a set of mine to make a comlink, but i didn't bother saying anything. If this is the same person, then it looks like i might have another recaster to try and deal with. Keith.
  4. Some more photoshop weathering: Keith.
  5. Thanks everyone I really love this helmet and it was cool working on it. I want to build another one........or two BTW, any faults in the trimming, assembly and paint are copied from the original promo hero helmet. Things like the seam showing behind the left ear and the way the front traps are painted and so on. Thanks, Keith.
  6. Some photos on the mannequin. I don't know why the tube stripes look so light, they're dark blue in person: Some photoshop weathering: Keith.
  7. I've just finished this hero helmet. I got it in untrimmed kit form from Troopermaster. The helmet is white ABS plastic which i buffed up a bit to give it a bit more of a shine. I have trimmed, assembled and detailed it to match the promo hero helmet. All markings are hand painted. The tube stripes are airbrushed on. The only changes i made to the helmet parts was a bit of sharpening of the frown to match the real one better. I used my own lenses and mic tips. (i don't have anymore lenses before anyone asks). Painting the markings on a trooper helmet is quite easy, but when you are trying to match them to a real helmet, it can be a pain. Getting the tube stripes to start in the right place, end in the right place, have the correct number of stripes with correct spacing and shapes takes time! Same with the traps and tears. I'm really happy with this helmet. If i ever do another one, i'll match the real promo helmet 100% with all the scratches, glue marks and pitting. Anyway, onto the pics: Keith.
  8. Eyes need to be trimmed so there is almost no depth to the sockets. Keith.
  9. If anyone else here would rather not have the insert with cast off original guts sticking out the back of the mic tip, just let me know. I can cast the insert/guts without having the part sticking out of the back and just have the back of the insert flush with the bottom of the mic tip body. It will even save resin, so i have no problem in making them that way. I know Vaj is not happy with them and has even asked me if he can recast my mic tips and start selling them (The answer to that was no), but if there is anyone else who is not happy with them, you can send them back for a refund, as i have told Vaj. Again, if anyone else would rather NOT have the part that sticks out of the back on the mic tips, just let me know and i can make the insert flush with the base of the mic, no problem. BTW Vaj, the mic tips that you say a bigger than mine in one of your threads about mic tips, look to me like they have been pulled out of the mold too soon. I have done this myself and ended up with a larger mic tip that needs a larger mesh screen. Keith.
  10. No, the nipple is not foam shavings. The nipple in the mic tips i make is the same as the nipple in the original hovi-mix tips. Its cast off an orignal nipple. I call them guts. The part sticking out of the back does not make the mic tips stick out of the helmet any further. The outher body of the actual mic tip touches the helmet before the insert does. The white foam is in the larger ROTJ tips which the softer/most different from ANH, ROTJ helmets had. Keith.
  11. Hovi-Mix tips are fine for all ROTJ helmet versions, but most of the "hero" ROTJ helmets (the ones with the funny ears that sort of look melted) have larger mic tips which are metal and filled with white foam shavings. All background ROTJ helmets that have been found so far have Hovi-Mix tips. Keith.
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