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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Easybln

  1. Hello,


    I would like to order the following two sets:


    1x finely finished set WITHOUT speakers ($20)

    1x finely finished set WITH speakers ($50)



    But I have a final question concerning the set without speakers.

    Would they work with the setup of Wyatt (TK 4205):

    http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1157 ?


    And if not, could you modify it to fit Wyatts setup?


    Thank you very much,

    best regards,


  2. I have to look in to this. I've never installed one. Tomorrow I will see one of our troopers that have a rom FX and go over it with him. I'll get back to you on this.


    Hey, that would be great!

    I hope it will be somehow possible, that would be the best of both worlds (a great setup + the best effects so far).


    Thanks for checking it out,

    best regards


  3. Hi,


    congratulations on your new armor and good luck and a lot of fun building it!


    I myself hope to get my armor at the end of the year and therefor I am also searching for every guide and piece of advice I can find.


    Thanks to Mr. Vader I found "Daves Garage" at Youtube, but unfortunately all internet-streaming has no sound at my PC ( I tried everything, new Flashplayer, Java, and so on).


    Does anybody have a source for a direct download of "Daves Garage-Videos"?

    It does not make a lot of sense without sound :(!


    Thanks a lot,

    many greetings


  4. Hi,

    this set really looks awesome and I am very interested.


    The only thing I would miss is the "static burst". Would it be possible to incorpororate a RomFX?

    Or better, do you plan to offer a set, that is "pre-wired" and has the right size to fit the RomFX later on (instead of your built-in amplifier)?

    I mean, like a "Plug-and-Play" solution for the RomFX.


    By the way what are these two red buttons in the front for (switches for the fans I assume)?




  5. Hi Stomper,


    these E-11 you made are really breathtaking!

    Unfortunately I came too late to be on the first run of lucky ones to buy it, but if you intend to make another run please put me on your waiting list, as I would really like to buy one of these babies from you.




  6. Hello,


    I just wanted to use this opportunity for a short introduction.

    I am a 31 yo resident of Berlin, Germany and unfortunately I am a total newbie :( .


    I am totally new to costuming and just recently discovered the existence of the German Garrison of the 501st (how could I miss that for such a long time???), but I am anything but new to the concept of StarWars-addiction :P !!!


    I have been an absolute fan, collector and enthusiast for SW since the age of 10. Actually ANH was my first "grown up movie" and I guess my dad "infected" me when he brought ANH from the Video Store and arranged a little "cineme event" at home with a cashier-counter, tickets and movie posters (by then I did not know which movie to expect).


    Since then I was hooked and really like to remember the times when I used to play with the first waves of Kenner SW-toys.

    And like every kid then I dreamed of running around in a TK-Armor and being a Stormtrooper.

    After growing up, I must admit that I am very happy with my real-life employment, but the dream is still there.


    So in the long run I would really like to get the chance to buy/ build my own TK-armor in order to join the 501st in the nearby future.


    As a start I just begun to modify an old Hasbro E-11 which I bought 1997 and which since then lied dormant in a corner because it looked too "toyish".


    And as a warning up front, as total noob I will definitaley have a lot of question in the future. Sorry for that in advance :rolleyes: .




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