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Posts posted by TooMuchGarlic

  1. Yes, insured and with tracking, but apparently Danish Post calculates reimbursements on international packages based on the weight of the package and not the value of it. I'm learning something new each day about this craptacular only option to send stuff internationally where I live. It just makes me want to puke. I had them search for the package and they couldn't find it and decided to pay out the insurance... but here's the kicker... I get $63 + shipping expenses for a $525 valued shipment. That's how much the insurance from Danish Post amounts to. Now... how in the hell am I going to live with that? My package is lost, meaning... that helmet is gone... and buyer would most definitely like his money back... so I have to pay... and guess what... that's doubly loss for me... and Danish Post can just sit there in their comfy chairs laughing their asses off because they are a big company and there's basically nothing I can do about it.


    Right now... I consider Danish Post as thieves who stole my package, as it got lost in their possession, and because of their thieving reimbursement rules for international shipments. I just feel sickened. It is something you would expect from a seedy criminal racketeering business... but I guess that's exactly what they are.

  2. But as I said, the decals don't match up. Mine have sharp corners where they are rounded on the original helmet Matt owned and cut/rounded where they should be sharp/pointy. The tube stripe ends are also trimmed differently towards the front + the vocoder paintwork is different and doesn't go all the way back towards the neck trim, like on the original. I don't think there is one decal outline that matches.


    It's perplexing, 'cause the bars in the decals seems to match the TE owned helmet... but if all were cut from the same template, then that would explain that similarity.


    I take it the original was taken apart for making molds? Would mean that the fiberglass mold was made prior to the helmet being taken apart and molded for vac-forming purposes, 'cause the ears are positioned slightly differently, with scratches and glue marks on the original that aren't on mine, if it is indeed from the TE owned helmet... it just seems unlikely with the discrepancies of the decals.

  3. It was while tracing the decal details that I realized it couldn't possibly be from that TE owned original. I wanted to see how much of the original detail was still there... and it turns out that it's a lot... though, there are areas that are completely washed out... the rear area of the left tube stripes, for instance, is completely guesswork, as there's nothing there on the surface to go by... basically the three-four last stripes towards the ear.



  4. Actually that's the perfect distinction. Another is that in the model community if you copy it and then improve on what you copied, I do not believe they consider that recasting. Recasting is typically unaltered from the original, correct? I mean, in addition to being done w/o permission.

    Actually, no. It's much simpler in the model kit community, anything you copy without permission is a recast, even if you alter it - and even if you copy the licensed stuff. It's much more black and white in that community - if it is not a sculpt you made and you mold and cast it, you are recasting.


    It is the same in the prop community, except we allow the "cast from screen used" variant and in part the copy from licensed depending on whether it is a current license or expired. Some want it tighter like it is in the model kit community, some want it looser, where it is free for all.

  5. Well, the AP comes from a reworked RotJ copy from a real suit. It was reworked from RotJ look into something more closely resembling the ANH look, but since reverse engineering sometimes fail to capture what was originally there, having to work from a changed form is more difficult than one should think. There are NO direct cast from screen used ANH suits available. NONE. They are all reworked from a RotJ suit + spare parts from other sources.


    It is very clear that a lot of work has been put into the GF suit and the later AP, but they are more idealized suits than some of the others, cleaned up and made more pretty, while still retaining some of what harks back to the originals.


    Not to get into that debate, but within the community, the word recast is used to label those copying someone else's stuff without permission, while those working with permission or casting from screen used are simply said to be copying or replicating. Big distinction. And the misuse of the word "recasting" is what is causing all these headaches and heated discussions - the term was formed in the model kit community, as far as I know, to label thieves and those copying without permission.


    Staff, I can easily erase the last clarification, if you'd rather keep all that out of this discussion.

  6. I don't consider AP to be the END all... of accuracy... after all... we soon will have armor from LFL itself that might contend with our

    desire for accuracy. hopefully we won't see another rubies style incident with the new LFL armor that is coming out!

    If TM comes out with the 3 versions of armor with all the differences intact... then he should

    be the LFL consultant for the new licensed armor. I'm sure that if enough 501st members

    started a petition to LFL then perhaps GL would consider issuing a 501st "version" of the

    armor as an "alternate/special" type of product.

    I just liked the idea that I could get a suit cast from an original, no matter what "generation"

    a silicone cast is... that's not much more than 1/2 a MM in difference.

    What is this new armor you speak of? Is it the coming Museum Replicas armor?

  7. It is being looked into in the model kit community to add something to the resin that hinders silicone to cure, but will allow the kit to be painted. And I'm sure that once that has been figured out, it will become available to the prop community to secure fiberglass casts as well.


    It won't stop recasting, as they'd just switch to more expensive silicones or laser scanning, but at least it adds more burdens to the recasters than they'd probably wanna waste time with it. Their prices will go up, which means you might as well just buy the original piece.

  8. I'm trying to think back to the meat of the discussion, which was almost three months ago now. Basically IIRC my view is/was that because of the proliferation in recasting we're now seeing less "new" stuff hitting the hobby. I believe that its a case of "why bother to take the time and expense of copying an original item is some dumb fool is just going to replicate what I've done for a fraction of the cost (and risk)". The response to this was (sic) "thats not true - look at the recent deluge in quality Vader helmets".

    Yeah... but as I mentioned... that reply is flawed... as... those are not available for the masses. They could have been if there had been less acceptance of recasters and recasting here and other 501st boards, but because there isn't, there's no point in making things available, even to a select few. Which means we get less new stuff and just more of the same ol', same ol'.


    I heard rumors for instance of two all complete original trooper suits that is simply not being made available to anyone because of all this acceptance of recasters from this group. Also other original pieces WILL NOT be made available to anyone and that pisses me off as because of this, I am missing out on stuff - we all are.


    However, I just dont think you can compare the cost and risk in copying a 2nd gen Vader helmet with a 1st generation screen-used original helmet. One is worth a few grand at best, the other probably more than a quarter of a million.

    Sadly, because of the LFL vs AA trial it has become even MORE difficult to find the truth about the origin of these helmets and the molds that made them. We are sorta stuck with the stories from the sellers and what little was possible to get confirmed or debunked. Sure, it is the job of the owner to prove that the story that accompanied the piece is true, but as long as it is not possibly to debunk or disprove that what they claimed is true, you have to go by their story as the proof and what was confirmed. Since we can't get the whole story about many of these items, that is sometimes all we have to go by.


    We have to accept the history and story attached to a piece until we can fully confirm or deny it or aspects of it. Discounting it simply because it cannot be verified right this minute is a bit premature. You can speculate all you want, but so far, all you know about it is the story attached to it and what was managed to be confirmed and debunked and that's all you can really go by.


    Nevertheless... they are indeed some cool pieces. They are not shown much so people would see all the cool things about them that simply ARE NOT on any other helmets... and they are only sold to select few, if sold at all. Again, because these leech recasters are accepted and can work freely here.

  9. This is a dangerous section. :angry: I don't like it at all. Not the debate, but the fact its here. This is a trooping community, not a prop one, and at that one that is tentative to even be here. Leave it to the "propsafe" drum beaters. :rolleyes:

    The fact that the costuming community gets their stuff from the prop community makes it relevant.


    Whatever it is IMO the laissez faire attutute in certain quarters has harmed the hobby as a whole. More stormtrooper helmets but less other helmets :(

    Don't know if I agree with that. In the last 2 1/2 years we have seen several screen derived Vader helmets become available. Five years ago the GH as a top of the line Vader helmet, and now it's not that desirable unless it's from the master run. With the dawn of the DJ, the three TM versions, SL, and TD Vader helmets the bar has been raised incredibly high in Vader land and these highly sought helmets do come up for sale occasionally. If this is the results of the last 2 years of progress for Vader, which is the mountains peek of SW costuming, I still see a bright future ahead for the prop community as a whole.

    And who is getting access to those? The whole community or only the few you hope you can trust?


    With respect to the owners of those Vader castings, they are not original pieces. IMO there is a huge difference between casting a 2nd generation piece and an original. Huge.

    May not be screen used, but no proof that they aren't first generation pieces directly from production molds. If you are privvy to some additional knowledge that I'm not aware of, I'd love to hear it.


    The problem is that people that recast are committing copyright infringement, just like the original casters. Copyright infringement is not the same as stealing (basicly think of it like this, stealing is when you have an apple and some one takes that apple. copyright infringement is when you have an apple and some one else makes an apple (be it copying your apple or not), thus you do not lose your ability to sell your apple, it's just devalued.)

    No. Sadly, the analogy doesn't work. Not even the same as this issue.


    The original cast from screen used producers, molded and cast an original piece to offers to others to buy.


    With your analogy, then the "recasters" would have molded and cast the same or another original to offer to others to buy.


    If they did that - no one would have a problem with them selling their wares.


    The problem arises with the fact that they didn't buy the original, wreck their brain with how to mold it without damaging it, molding it and risking damaging the piece, just so that their effort can be recast by some guy getting a copy of their work. They just took what the other guy had spent loads of money on and risked damaging to offer to the community, and recast it. So... why should the first guy waste any more time on copying the originals he buy to offer to the community if he's just getting recast left and right. No, he loses interest and we all lose out because some people are only interested in their own niche community and applaud recasters who provide them with what they want at cheap prices, with little to no regard on what it does to the rest of the community in terms of new stuff being made available. But trooper people are happy, 'cause they got their trooper armor, so to heck with everyone else, who'd want accurate biker scouts, royal guards, etc.


    But I guess I'm barking up the wrong tree here... but since those who don't care and applaud recasters come piss up my tree and burn my chances of getting these things, I do get a little aggravated. Yeah, see, I'm selfish that way.


    Those things are true, no doubt about it. But much like the hero status arguments about David Prowse's contribution, it is overstated to imply that the man who got the job was the only one that could DO the job.

    Forming the suits was a manufacturing step in the process, like any particular job on an assembly line. The sculptors are the only people I'd give the status of being indispensable, not the guy that pushed the button. A different former would not increase or detract from the affection for the costume, which was stated in the post I responded to. If it hadn't been AA it would have been somebody else with the same molds and same shapes. If it hadn't been Muir and Moore, etc, that shape and end result would have been different; that's the step where the interest changes for us, not the last one. You don't thank steel workers for the lines of an Aston-Martin, you thank the guys with the pen and the clay.

    If it hadn't been AA, perhaps we would have seen less wonky and different looking helmets in ANH. All speculation though, but the fact remains that AA did a piss-poor job to make the helmets vacced off the same molds look the same. all trooper producers working from the Brian R molds make Brian R helmets and those working from the Dave M molds make Dave M helmets - all pretty unique to those particular helmets. The fact that they can make nearly each one look the same... tells you a little bit about the crap-job AA did for the movie.

  10. I can only say one thing. Wonder why there are no cast from screen used Biker Scout armor and helmets? Wonder why there are no cast from screen used Royal Guard helmets? Wonder why there are no real available über accurate cast from screen used Vader helmets available? Wonder why many things aren't available?


    It's quite simple. Who wants to feed greedy recasters and buyers of recasts. Who wants to take the risk and damaging an original piece just to feed the greedy, needy, complaining masses who'll just rather turn around and stab you in the back than thank you for taking the time, spending the money, risking damaging an original piece to offer this to you.


    Who wants that waste of time, when the community doesn't even protect your effort and investment, but just allows others to profit from what you offered and when he tries to complain he just gets a shrug and the words: well, you recast it in the first place, so go cry in a corner.


    Until recasters buy an original, mold it and sell it at the cheap prices they are selling their recast wares... THEN I'll believe that they aren't doing it for the money, but for the hobby. Until then they can go kiss my furry butt with their lame reasons for recasting... and what is okay in the 501st or costuming community is no means the same as what is okay in the prop community and since the costuming community gets their fix from the prop community... at least show a little more respect to that community - 'cause what was wrong with the FX if it wasn't the costumers wanting something better? The kids wouldn't care crap. The blatant acceptance and non-action against recasters in the costuming community affects BOTH communities as the cool stuff is now not worth for the owners of original pieces to risk molding to bring to the masses.


    That's what you get from accepting and "approving" these leeches. It affects us all.

  11. Seeing as I really need the money to pay my dept I'm putting this up for sale.


    All prices are without shipping. Expect shipping to range from $50 for the smaller blades up to $77 for the larger/heavier items - I only charge the actual shipping cost, no handling and packing fees.


    AuthenticProps Stormtrooper $275


    FREE: comes with new ears donated by Ghost when I butchered my first pair, accurate brow and neck trim, TK-4510 ESB decals, lens material & standard Keith mic tips.


    TE SFS fiberglass helmet $580


    With removable ears - said to be only 1 of 2 (confirmed by animatronic on the RPF).

    Imo needs to be stripped down.


    Wolverine Aluminum Claws $90 - SOLD


    Being sanded as we speak towards a perfect surface finish with sharp lines. Pins need work to get into correct shape and was told that the holes for the locking screw on some of the blades need work to secure a tight fit.

    These are metal blades.

    How they look now: th_P5040009.jpg


    RARE Sideshow Predator 1 Exclusive $230


    Comes with original box and paperwork


    Gentle Giant Slave Leia $120


    Comes with original box and paperwork


    Gentle Giant Royal Guard $120


    Comes with original box and paperwork


    Gentle Giant Darth Maul bust $50


    Comes with original box and paperwork


    Gentle Giant Spider-Man 3 Symbiote bust $40


    Comes with original box and paperwork

    (Only picture I could find showing the statue, so please just disregard the the Kotobukiya statue.)


    Buy all GG busts and statues and get Spidey for free.

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