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Posts posted by FON

  1. No they are not.


    Matt started working on a "new run" back in January. Looks like he has finished his helmet moulds now. All the new stuff is re-recast from the stuff he was producing last year. I don't believe the suit pics are new, as i said before i'm sure i've seen those before. Knowing Matt, he is just re-useing them to get people in, and to fund his mould making and/or plastic.

  2. Sorry but NO,


    Nothing to do with the moulds from te's last run, these are Matt's recent recasts. Once again being shown here to boost sales, by those that adore him.. i'm sure i've seen those armour pics before too. I believe they are recycled images (save for the helmet, that looks new) from his first run.


    Please look into things before spouting it as truth on the forums.

  3. Its not from Caleb's suit. The suit it came from was partly, or mostly destroyed during the casting proccess as matt has said. As for why I believe him, well some of the remains are still attached to the moulds. Primarily on the chest and cod. Apparently he left out the mould release and had to cut off the existing suit just to get to the moulds.


    Besides the arms and legs were (and still are) fused together on Caleb's suit. Not exactly easy for taking moulds.

  4. Have a look under the chin/mictip areas.. no cap is pushed n/warped like that. Its a ROTJ feature. Its the same on the first TE ROTJ, as it should be, because its from the FIRST TE ROTJ.


    I own one of the ealier models, and its no spring chicken. It is quite apparent the new one comes from it. The same problems have carried over to the new version. The only difference is; is that the new face has been sharpened. Which IMO makes it look more correct, to how it actually was (save for the chin/vocoder which now looks too sharp).


    Anyway, the orginal TE ROTJ helmet had its moulding issues all the same, and they have come through on this one aswell.


    And as for the back cap, its from a TE ROT aswell. Same strange profile shape as the old version... sit it next to a cap/or TE ANH and its completely different in its curvature.


    Thats about the most basic way of saying... ITS NOT FROM A CAP.


    Although I'm sure there will be those that will believe him regardless

  5. Out them then, you cannot complain no one listens unless you try it.


    If they are two faced and playing the field, then list their forum names... I'm sure both "hobbies" would care to know who they are infact dealing with.

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