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Posts posted by Sonnenschein

  1. For the last couple of days, I experienced heavy sleeping problems. (It's 3:45 am here right now)


    I don't know why. My life's good, no problems, nothing on my mind.



    Anyone else here? Is there some kind of remedy? Drinking a glass of prosecco (= sparkling white wine) did not help....




    (who is finally on vaccation right now...)

  2. But yep, its poo.



    William "poo"ner? blink.gif I'm confused....


    Honestly, get a doopydoos kit and a pipe. Highly accurate, and cheap.



    (who can't sleep.....)


    Edit: And get one of my d-rings ;)

  3. Sorry to hear about this, but glad you have reconsidered.


    I am going to be picky about who I sell to as well, I think this is a good idea.




    Thanks, Joe



    Agreed. But I think that even if I had some "proof" for paypal, some "bad apple" still could claim "not as described" and still get their money back and keeping the product, right? I guess this is still a "trust matter", otherwise the FISD will become some kind of Ebay...



  4. THANK YOU everybody for your kind words.


    I really don't know what so say... You are all awesome :D



    A little update: well, the "buyer" ceased all communications with me. Altough I know for sure he read this thread..



    Anyway, I just bought some raw material to cast another batch. :)



    Thank you everybody!



  5. Okay, So I got my first paypal dispute. I it almost ruined my day.


    From the begining: For almost a year now, I've been selling various items here on this board. It was fun. Really fun, and often I was a little proud, seeing more authentic troops on pics. I wasn't doing this for money, but for fun..


    I never missed on order, and NEVER EVER an item got lost (besides a few d-rings, and they were replaced on the spot).


    If there was a delay, one could ALWAYS communicate with me. My "selling history" is flawless. I only ask for money when I have the items IN HAND.

    (There was a dealy once, when the shop where I alway buy the gloves was sold out on them and I had to wait a few days for them to re-stock)



    Until today. My first unpatientent "customer" chose to go to paypal DIRECTLY instead of asking me.... I felt quite hurt.


    I t was like beeing accused not to deliver armors like others-not-to-be-mentioned... THIS TOOK COMPLETETY THE FUN OUT OF IT.


    Now, maybe I'm a drama queen and I am over reacting... but maybe you unterstand-


    SO I decided to stop selling ANYTHING here on this board.

    When something isn't fun anymore, it is time to quit.

    But while writing this, my boyfriend calmed me down a little bit. So, we together made up a compromise. I hope you all understand

    From now on, I only will be selling to members with AT LEAST 50 posts.

    That way, we all have a little time to get to know each other.

    And to all "future" costumers: Delievery may take up to 4 weeks. Esp during summer and other holidays (Christmas) some delays are to expected.

    I don't use any trackling numbers on my packages, because this would more than double the shipping costs for you.

    This is, after all, a trust issue. We have to trust each other. I have to trust you, that you dopn't falsely claim a disput (although have received the item) and you have to trust me, that I have shipped it.

    The only prove I have is the receipt from the post office, but that only read !1 package, 350g, to USA (or something like that)

    So, rant is over.... Thank you for your time reading this...(maybe the longest I have ever written) ... post

    Karin P. ("Sonnenschein")

    PS: Sonnenschein means "sunshine" in german, because I'm always a "sunny" person....

    PPS: Please excuse any misspellings or grammar mistakes. I'm still a little in turmoil...

  6. I had an epiphany this morning! :)


    I am going to build a page on my site that lists Makers or "Vendors" :)


    If you have an item that you make and you would like to be listed on my site send me your contact info, price of item including shipping worldwide (if desired) and a good pic of the item.


    I will list it on my site for free. This way we have a place to go to for everything and everyone is involved. Sound COOL or what!!!!??? What do you think??


    Send your info to applingfamily@cox.net and I will post it this week :)






    WOW, Mike! Awesome idea! I'm so in!








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