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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by tdurden

  1. While using BTS footage to teach how to use Premier Pro, I made something. Still amazed at the crew we assembled for this project (including our very own @Manbehindthemask, TK Tommy Vandemortel and Pete Myhalenko... my armor was filled by my brother).


    Like the students tell me, 'Mister, you're doing too much,' but I didn't have the heart to keep out all of the hard work that went into making this fan short - while this film mainly follows the story board, it's amazing how I can see contributions from each person involved in every frame.


    Well, this is the end of my footage so probably will be the last post for Tomorrow & Tomorrow.


    (but, if it's been a while, you could always rewatch the finished project)


    And a thank you to all of you that watched the film as well as supported and encouraged us throughout the process!

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  2. On 7/1/2023 at 5:37 PM, Nairy said:


    Two troops in a day keeps the Emperor away! :lightemperor:

    Please welcome TK 88222 to the Stormtrooper Hall of Fame, May 2023!

    @tdurden Troop log can be found here.



    Well done trooper and congratulations! Two in a day is quite something! Keep this up and you'll have earned that troopaward25.png badge in no time!



    With Unquestioned Loyalty 

    Jonatan Östling 

    TK-23592 "Nairy" 

    Curator Hall Of Fame


    On 7/2/2023 at 7:36 AM, Doggydoc said:



    On 7/2/2023 at 9:50 AM, Sly11 said:

    Congratulations Trooper.

    Thank You!

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  3. There are a couple folks on Facebook that make these along with custom cards - the guy that made mine was in demand but I believe he's retired now... and a bit more than $60:




    Unfortunately, the cape fell in front of my helmet.

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