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About WorldWarCheese

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  1. I love AoE too but I heard Battegrounds was a disappointment and decided not to dish the cash out for the chance, but if you say it's good I might give it a go
  2. I think that arcade game is still available at a local movie theatre!! My friends joke as I stand in line behind a bunch of kids 1/2 my height but all I can say is that I'm glad the nex gen of SW fans is strong!
  3. Thanks! Considering my TIE was for DOS and I have no clue how to get it to work for my Mac I don't think I'll be playin'/joinin' anything related to it for a bit But the group and site itself are pretty interesting, I with I knew about it sooner!
  4. I love Republic Commando, I'm practically an addict. But for fond memories I can never replace TIE Fighter (Dos version) in my heart which it consumed and then destroyed when my fam switched to Macs. I've never heard of the TIE Hammer group thingy, must check it out now!
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