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About Bustedzip

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  • Location
    Ottawa, CA
  • Interests
    Photography, craft building, painting, music, electronics.

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  1. Been a while since I've been here. Finally got some rare earth magnets to help with Troop construction again. Gotta get back at it!

  2. Sorry for the low grade quality (not to mention the whole set isn't on ) but this was basically how these pieces fit BEFORE I recently started doing some trimming. The legs and codpiece were both too low and too high. I tried wearing the AB piece up higher but it was so high up you could hardly even see the buttons.
  3. They are actually metal snap buttons. I tried doing the traditional way, and gluing the front of the straps to the chest plate, but there didn't seem to be an easy way to keep them stuck on and they kept falling off. Any ideas or tutorials on how to fix that would be awesome. I know its not accepted doing it this way (with the metal buttons) so I will definitely have to think up a better way of securing them to the chest. Fair enough xD I'll see if I can either find some old pictures I had testing the armor, or put it back on and take new ones. I noticed there was a neat way on how to trim and possibly bring a return edge back into trimmed pieces using a heat gun very carefully. I *think* I can manage doing that and cleaning it back into proper shape. Thank you SO much Marc. This is a great build and very helpful.
  4. After what feels like probably a year (more like 6 or 7 months) I'm bringing my kit back out and I'm going to start up on it again. I fully built it to try and get it ready for a Convention, but it sat way too big on me. I looked like a white Spaceturtle I was sort of let down and disappointed as these kits aren't cheap and I've always wanted to rock the Stormtrooper look... Recently a friend of a friend recommended I check out some online forums for guidance, so here I am. I've actually already started trimming my pieces back this evening. I've got some positive energy and motivation and I really want to make this kit work! So...here are some pictures of my kit from where I've left off. You've probably seen a lot of great ANOVOS builds already, but hey. I figured I'd share what I have so far. Still lots of work and fine tuning/details but I really wanted to get the size down right first. Make sense? Cheers, Kimbo
  5. This is exactly what I needed to get back to my kit. I was having problems convincing myself to trim more because it just didn't seem standard, but this has really helped a lot so thank you again! Great to know there are other female Troopers out there too
  6. Really helpful build my friend. I bought an ANOVOS kit last January and have been working on it through the whole year trying to adjust it for my size. Some great tricks and helpful ideas in here, so thank you again
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