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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by scottdm62

  1. Incorrect. The detachment name has ever been "1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment" since I wrote the charter in 2006. Somewhere along the way FISD was born because 1ISD just looked silly I guess. This is why on all detachment merch you may see FISD, but you'll never see First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment".


    Hope that helps :)


    EDIT: It was originally "1st Imperial Stormtrooper Corp", however the year before we started the Legion created a rule that all new detachments had to have the word "detachment" in it, so I just swapped out Corp for Detachment on the charter. Why 1st? Because the 501st Clonetroopers in EP3 had the blue "i" on their chest, and I wanted to use the same iconography in our logo to show continuity that we were still troopers of the 501st Legion. In the Army they use Roman numerals for Corp, e.g. I Corp = 1st Corp, V Corp = 5th Corp. Since we are using the i, then we had to be 1st Corp.


    OK, maybe TMI, but that's the full story.



    Thank you for taking the time for the brief History lesson. I found the logic and information interesting. Thanks.

    • Like 2
  2. On 2/8/2017 at 8:14 AM, Pretzel said:



    New design, and this will be the one I will submit if I am allowed to only submit one. (I like this as a patch). Thoughts? 


    I bow down to your graphic design abilities. Mine were that of a pre-schooler compared to yours. It will be a tight competition between these submissions. Good luck to all

    • Like 5
  3. Hello,


    I was writing to request access and  also check on the status of my application.  I am pretty certain my GML of the Midwest Garrison reviewed my applications and armor.  That being said, I believe the next step is here to obtain access and my TK ID.  


    Please let me know if I need further.  My page is here:  http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/user/31056-jward/





    I just got my ID in January. Your TK ID will come to you via e-mail from the 501st. After you get that email get the link to your member profile, then come back here to request access with a link to that 501st profile. Any questions please ask.

    • Like 1
  4. Great looking overall build. The gray paint for your ab buttons looks really dark. Also, like Joseph mentioned, you need a pic of the attachment side of your thermal detonator. I noticed a black center to the round detail?? If that is present, that must be removed. Keep in mind that forward progress on this application will be held up until your blaster and action shots are provided.


    Yes there is a light in the TD from the previous owner, that is that black spot you see. If that needs to be gone I will make it so. And the buttons may just be dark due to light. Let me see if this shows up better.


    Belt adjusted as well as hopefully better color detail.



    And painted over light to make solid white on TD


  5. Looking good, Scott, and SO glad to see that you ditched the Anovos Velcro and went with a much better strapping system as well as getting a new canvas belt.  It looks as if you will be (hopefully) aiming for Centurion, so here are a few suggestions..  I would raise your ABS belt until it touches the ab button plate, (or even overlaps it a bit), change out the screen in the hovi-mic tips to a wider mesh and paint the inside white, and include photos of the back of your TD.

    GREAT job painting those ab plate buttons!!!


    937bf96b-c7fc-45d7-ba7f-58122d15a79d_zps  5a90f01e-8e07-4139-866e-fad593b7a260_zps

    Confused a bit, maybe it's too early for me, but are these suggestions for EIB improvement, or future reference for Centurion? 


    With that said I will look at fixing those. However. The belt is actually set a little lower to cover up the shim I added to make the ab piece taller. It's actually covering the seem of the shim. It's hiding some ugliness.


    As far as the back of the TD, here you go.



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