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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by SheaJeff

  1. 8 hours ago, jjv5150 said:

    How did u secure to belt? 

    I bought those tool.  They seem nice, although I haven't had time to change over from my original [painted] canvas ones.  I need to figure out how to make the stitches black without looking like I took a Sharpie and drew on them.


    As for the loops, I've tried 2 different method; Chicago screws for the loops and glued Velcro for attaching a strap to the pauldron.

  2. On 1/8/2013 at 10:13 PM, kupertrooper said:

    I made these the other day. They were surprisingly easy and cheap to make. 3" PVC, PVC glue, hinges, magnets, weatherstripping, and some eye screws.



    Did you use the 3" on the outside pieces as well?


    Would you mind showing a close up of how you did the magnets, please.


    What glue did you use?

  3. Another option is the Disney binders. I have a few pairs of those.


    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

    I find the Disney binders difficult to operate because of the clasps. They are difficult event without the helmet on.

    I may try making some PVC ones with the magnet; much easier to operate!

  4. Ok, I've done some troubleshooting and can explain the symptoms a little better now:


    I have the following equipment

    - Tony's Hovi tip speakers

    - ROM F/X I received last summer

    - Microphone included with the ROM F/X kit

    - Duracell 9V battery measuring 8.9 volts (or others that are up to 9.1)

    - Tony's hearing assist which doesn't appear to affect anything; I tested everything outside of the helmet (except the Hovi speakers).

    - fans with a USB power supply (but again the battery wasn't installed, and I tested everything outside the helmet anyway)


    What I found:

    1. Using the hovi speakers, and 9V battery, if I turn the volume more than about half way up, it says the "ROM F/X" boot up phrase every time after I speak.

    2. If i change to the larger speaker that came with the ROM F/X kit, it works fine with the 9V battery even at the highest volume. 

    3. If I use the hovi speakers and the 12V 8AA battery pack I received with the ROM F/X kit, it seems to work fine.

    4. I've changed microphones from the ROM F/X one to Tony's and there doesn't appear to be a difference in the outcome; still the same as noted above with each option.


    Therefore, it appears to be the combination of the 9V battery and the Hovi speakers.

    But... it used to work fine with this combination.  It just started doing that re-boot phrase one time when I was trooping after each time I talked.  Strange thing that it worked fine before.  I didn't change anything or move anything around that would have caused this to happen.  It just "happened" one day.


    I love having everything contained in the helmet, so mounting the larger speaker and power supply into the chest is not my favorite option.

    Putting the large battery pack in the helmet might be an option, but not my favorite idea because of the weight, and my big head...


    Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

  5. Thanks for the details John.

    I use regular Duracell and have measured batteries as soon as it starts rebooting; they are measuring 8.8 to 8.7V compared to 9 or 9.1 when they are brand new.

    It worked fine for a while and this is a recent issue.

    I'll do some trouble shooting and get some photos as soon as I can and post them here.

    I appreciate the help.

  6. Yes. Just with your hovi speakers.

    Could there be some kind of electrical leakage between the wires all crammed in the helmet? (I have fans and your hearing assist; but when this happens those of turned off)

    When I test the big speaker and battery pack they are obviously outside the helmet. I haves tried pulling the other pieces out yet.

  7. I've noticed that with mine, unless the battery is brand new Duracell, when I turn it on, it repeats the "ROM FX" startup voice and keeps repeating it. I'm using Tony's hovi speakers. If I plug it into the big speaker that came with it, it works fine. Also fine with the 8 AA pack. I want to keep everything in the helmet so the speaker and large battery pack aren't my first choice.

    Any ideas why this would be happening?

  8. P.S. I don;t know if you noticed or not, but the Mic tips area is VERY thin. So I used 2 small "discs" in the back to put the nut / washer on.


    Mine is actually so thin, I don't know if I can use the "Hovi Mic tip speakers" I wanted to get.

    I actually used the heat gun on some scrap ABS to make larger, shaped "washer" type of things behind the tips to give it more surface area.



  9. 84c7aefa5bda24eceba20022c552848c.jpg this is what I ended up with. Yeah I know my scope is crappy it's in the works lol.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I bought a bag of 1" and 1/2" round little mirrors from Michaels for a couple of bucks and glued them to each end of the scope to cover up the raw material. Gave it more of a "glass" look.

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