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Everything posted by RickyRekon

  1. Hey gents, last question before I put in the order. What are the pros and cons for the two different armor material options(ABS/PVC)?
  2. Looks like it was a ton of fun. Rogue One release should be a great trooping event
  3. Actually, I take that back, I just looked at their full set and it even has free shipping directly to me... it's about 500 Euro more then what I was looking at before but if the quality difference is as much as you guys have made it out to be, I think it would be worth it, and save me the hassle of having to go through a middleman to get the armor shipped to me. RS Prop Masters it is.
  4. I checked out that site and it was a tad more expensive than I was looking for. The Battlespec combo that pretty much comes with everything I need for around 800 Euro and is ready to wear out of the box appears to be what I was looking for, as I can make minor adjustments to make it 501st legal as that's something I would like to pursue, but my first priority is having a full suit of armor with props for Comic Con and maybe even some events before.
  5. The battle spec combo. Seems like a good entry point into this hobby
  6. Yeah, they don't ship to the US but I've got a friend in Canada who is conveniently coming to visit in a month so I've made arrangements for them to be the middleman if I decide to pull the trigger with their armor. Their combo package looks like it comes with just about everything I would need out of the box, except for the boots which are not hard to find elsewhere.
  7. Hey guys, thanks for the timely response. My main priority for this armor would be to wear it at ComicCon here in SD in July, so basic authenticity and ease of wear out of the box are of the most important to me. I'm 71" and am used to having to alter things a little bit to get them to fit correctly, I just don't think I'd have the time to put together a whole armor kit from scratch and sets from orginialstormtrooper looked like the best out of the box. Any ideas on how 501st ready the pieces are out the box?
  8. Hey guys, I've been doing some research into buying a good set of stormtrooper armor and my research has brought me here. So from what I can tell I want to avoid the commercially available armor on Amazon on such. What's the opinion on the armor sold on originalstormtrooper.com? From what I can tell it all looks pretty authentic but you guys are definitely the experts here and I would greatly appreciate any input I could get.
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