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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Brattie

  1. Good morning White armor peoples!


    I have returned from Work-cation and have survived!  Out of the 10 days I was off I managed to work all but 3 days of my Vacation. It's okay though as it's extra money in my pocket to pay off debts etc.


    One of those 3 days was a trip to the local amusement park. What a journey that was!


    A friend and I managed to ride ALL of the roller coasters in a 1 day period!  This is a big deal as one of them almost killed me. Laugh. I mean literally! The giant plastic handle part that pushes down and holds you in.. had a slight malfunction during the ride. It loosened to the point that I was moving around a lot more than anyone should. Lucky for me they had seat belts as well and that I was smart enough to hook my feet under the seat and use all my strength for the remaining zillion bumps, hills and attempts to throw me that followed.


    This again just pushed me further into my Zen like state of when things happen, they'll happen which says a lot for me regarding this waiting game. 


    Some have asked if I am growing impatient with waiting on armor and such. To be honest I am not. It was made very clear the timelines and how long it could take to get my gear done. My armor supplier has been very upfront and keeps me in the loop of all the different things. I have nothing bad to say. I can understand others perspective on things as they may not be as patient as I am, but that's their business.


    So as much as I hate to say it guys.. it looks like my 501st approval and such may actually happen with my Jawa first. The jawa is scheduled to be here WAY before my TK armor arrives. I had hoped it would be ready for my vacation but that didn't happen and that's okay.


    My recent near death experience has reminded me to enjoy every day and don't let the negatives get to me. I will be just as happy to be a Tall Jawa with the 501st as I would be to be a Stormtrooper. The Jawa's seem to be easier to get approved as well and to be honest.. the more I read and learn about the Jawas the more I laugh as the character behind them seems so much more like me. Laugh..


    That all being said, I'm still looking forward to building my TK stuff... it's just not as important to me anymore. I want to join this great group.. and if the Jawa is going to be the way.. then so be it. I'll get the TK done whenever that happens. Laugh.. if ever.


    Anyway, thanks everyone for being a part of this thread. I'll keep you up to date as I always do and will still be working on TK stuff as always. I have a blaster that came from overseas to figure out and build etc. Should be fun.. when I can fit it in.. Summer is not the best time for these things as I'm very busy usually with outdoor, cottage, contractor work etc.


    Hugz to all and can't wait to hopefully bring you all BBB news in the next few weeks / month / years.. etc..


    :) Just keep swimming.. just keep swimming...

    • Like 5
  2. Alrighty.. so hears a bit of an update.. not build related though so keep twitching...


    On Facebook a while back I saw a post from the 501st Pacific Garrison whom doesn't have a large group of members spanning across the Hawaiian islands.

    Anyway, it was a random draw for stickers and patches from their garrison for people that share and like their Garrison and show support.


    I know I'm not 501st yet, but I'm all about supporting each and every part of the 501st and the many Garrisons in any way I can.


    During my youth having a mother that worked for an airline came in handy. I've travelled all over, but specifically Hawaii .. 17 TiMES! So this one struck close to home as it is such a beautiful place.


    Anyway, I have to say I was surprised when Francis Contacted me via FB to advise me that I had one the stickers and patches. We spoke about the islands and their garrison and I was excited to let him know that as soon as I became 501st I'd send him a Canadian Garrison patch. He was excited and honored that I'd offer such to him. 


    We all are together for the same causes and hopes after all and I know the patch means as much to him as the Pacific ones he sent to me.


    When I opened the envelope today I found more than I had expected. TWO Patches and TWO Cards with one having his TK number on it! Add to that a GREAT Pacific Outpost sticker that I plan on showing proudly on my Armor Transport. I can't thank him enough and can't wait until the day I'm 501st and can send him an envelope with some Canadian Swag to hopefully show support of our troopers there and maybe make the distances apart seem not as far.


    Anyway.. here's a picture of the items. :)




    I can't wait to start a patch hoody and such.


    Thanks again Francis and Aloha!   Hang Loose!



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  3. Very cool Jason. :)


    I like that speech as it reminds people that the little things mean something. Even when we feel as if we haven't accomplished anything.. we need to remind ourselves that the small stuff counts..


    Especially with this frustrating build. I say this because it's constantly hurry up and wait. You take your time.. you trim, you then have to wait for glue.. etc. etc. etc.

    Well doing the small stuff counts as moving forward as well, and by reminding ourselves of that.. we at least know we are moving forward on the very long path to the 501st.

    • Like 2
  4. Dear Newbie: Regarding Kylo Ren


    Dear Newbie,
    You've probably noticed that there is a new.... thing... visiting the Imperial-class Star Destroyer... It is called.. Kylo Ren, this time. I know this because before you I had a best friend like him, but he was called Darth Vader.. may he rest in peace.
    At first I had assumed Vader was just a very ugly Stormtrooper, charming in his own way but terrible breath.. and he was always panting!
    So Newbie.. here are some things that you need to know...

    Dear Newbie,
    Imagine a Stormtrooper, now take away reason, tranquility, cleanliness and common sense. What you have left is basically Kylo Ren. Here is an example. Yesterday, I saw Kylo Ren sitting on his butt scootching across the ship with his hands... he looked over at me and said.. "Check it out.. I'm scootching across the floor like the droids do" ~ Sighs ~ I mean it gives you an idea of what we're dealing with here

    Dear Newbie,
    You may see me get a little.. Stormtrooper Crazy town.. now and then, you know like a .. "WHIIITCAAAAAAAAOOOEEEWWWW... goooaaahhhhhhhhh"...Don't get freaked out, I'm just being sure I don't get force choked... Oh My.. be sure Newbie you stay clear of Ren when he's had a bad day.. ~ phew ~ like life threatening! Don't try to crazy town now.. you'll make him worse.. he'll snap your spine like it's nothing and wreck thousands of dollars in equipment! Oh Boy...

    Dear Newbie,
    You might hear the phrase "Kylo Ren is Snokes best friend" That is frankly... incredible marketing on his part. I am not sure how he did it. He's not buying Ads in newspapers.. have you seen what he does to newspapers? Trust me.. it's the opposite of reading if you know what I mean...  I mean he poops on them.

    Dear Newbie,
    Kylo Ren is the type of creature that will decide whether he should utterly destroy something by actually destroying something. That's the level of decision making that goes on. He basically destroys everything. Case in point, computers and other inanimate objects. He'll even destroy those large metal prisoner racks that Snoke gave us. Don't get mad, let him do it to all of them so you don't get hurt. If he gets caught, then he has to deal with Snoke and we remain alive.

    Dear Newbie,
    You may hear Kylo Ren being referred to as a "Mas-Ter" Which I think is some sort of french way of saying "puppet" This explains why he reports to that Giant hologram from time to time. Worst marionette ever if you ask me. But the point is if they try to teach you in the ways of "the force" just freeze! You don't want to get into that.. trust me.. it never ends well for our side.

    Dear Newbie,
    Yes Kylo Ren can be pleasant at times, I mean, just the other day he sat down pretending to be a Radar Technician named Matt and had coffee with me. It was weird but also rather pleasant. Don't Judge.  However when he gets angry.. stay to the back, because his hands and light sabre becomes some sort of psycho-lizard tail thing that burns as it swings back and forth. I have seen it take out a whole group of Troopers in only 2 swipes.


    Dear Newbie,
    Our lives just got a little more difficult and alone time will be harder to find. At least we can be assured that Supreme Leader Snoke won't get too angry and pick on Stormtroopers when he can just as easily send Ren to do things while we rest. Perhaps that is enough.



    • Like 3
  5. Great Question Jorge!


    I am not sure.. perhaps the thread will continue in a .. OMG What I screwed up with.. kind of theme.. or.. HOLY COW.. This fell apart during the last troop... maybe it will evolve into a I really have to pee but can't get out of my armor thread.. or something along those lines...


    I would like to keep a journal.. something that I enter the follies and fun of troops or things I have learnt from troop... I am not sure.. that would be a discussion that would probably need to take place with the propaganda department or the admins of the forum..


    I am hoping to put together another Dear Newbie some time soon though so stay tuned for more fun!

    • Like 2
  6. Dear Newbie..
    As I have laughed at you the customary 432 times it is now my duty as a former newbie to begrudgingly welcome you.
    Perhaps in time you will replace me.. as I have replaced those that have walked this path before.. but.. I must do my duty and educate you on this journey you are about to embark on as many other troopers have done for me. Thank you to those troopers.
    Dear Newbie...
    The Facebook groups are basically a crap shoot.. either you get the best information of your whole life, and I mean .. like totally awesome info.. like you just can't believe it's true.. or.. they just fall silent.. and don't do anything.. for hours.. it's weird.
    Oh and I should also point out.. on special occasions they will leave information for events and things to signal their appreciation of me.. just to be clear.. it's information for me.. ~ breaths ~ they are perfect for me.. It's like being surrounded by excitement.. it could just fill the soul.. I mean.. that's exactly what it does.
    Dear Newbie...
    I remember when I purchased my first blaster... ~ smirk ~ there was nothing like it.. the feel of the grip and 360 degrees of awesomeness.. ~ breaths ~ Enjoy it while you can.. the work has yet to come..
    Dear Newbie...
    Because you are brand new you cannot get into 501st member groups or access that information... but eventually you will... and you will find the places that Members refer to as... AWESOME! This will come in handy, especially when their are runs on 501st gear.. ~ heh ~ They smell like fresh linen on a summer day...
    Dear Newbie...
    There are sharp things you will need to use in order to create your armor thing. So I suggest a cut-proof glove.. this encases your hand in a fabric like armor thing.. it's so special.. and it will keep you from the emergency room. It's like magic.
    Dear Newbie...
    I should warn you of the monster known as "the h-eat-gun"... If used too long it will melt your plastic and send you screaming in agony at the same time.. and I've seen it melt everything, seriously like a chest piece, and ear.. and a bucket... it didn't even flinch. To hide from H-eat-gun be sure to use other techniques like "the hot water bath of safety" or "oven treatment of patience". Oh yeah.. it's good. good job..
    Dear Newbie...
    One final note... once in a while you will see the end.. I'm going to tell you this right now.. it's real and it can almost be accomplished.. I almost did it once.. I thought i was there for a full 0.245 seconds, but when I looked again.. I realized I had more to do.

    So newbie.. welcome to FISD and your Journey to the 501st.. you'll do just fine..

  7. So I was inspired by the Dear Kitten Videos on youtube.. and came up with this ...

    Dear Newbie..
    As I have laughed at you the customary 432 times it is now my duty as a former newbie to begrudgingly welcome you.
    Perhaps in time you will replace me.. as I have replaced those that have walked this path before.. but.. I must do my duty and educate you on this journey you are about to embark on as many other troopers have done for me. Thank you to those troopers.
    Dear Newbie...
    The Facebook groups are basically a crap shoot.. either you get the best information of your whole life, and I mean .. like totally awesome info.. like you just can't believe it's true.. or.. they just fall silent.. and don't do anything.. for hours.. it's weird.
    Oh and I should also point out.. on special occasions they will leave information for events and things to signal their appreciation of me.. just to be clear.. it's information for me.. ~ breaths ~ they are perfect for me.. It's like being surrounded by excitement.. it could just fill the soul.. I mean.. that's exactly what it does.
    Dear Newbie...
    I remember when I purchased my first blaster... ~ smirk ~ there was nothing like it.. the feel of the grip and 360 degrees of awesomeness.. ~ breaths ~ Enjoy it while you can.. the work has yet to come..
    Dear Newbie...
    Because you are brand new you cannot get into 501st member groups or access that information... but eventually you will... and you will find the places that Members refer to as... AWESOME! This will come in handy, especially when there are runs on 501st gear.. ~ heh ~ They smell like fresh linen on a summer day...
    Dear Newbie...
    There are sharp things you will need to use in order to create your armor thing. So I suggest a cut-proof glove.. this encases your hand in a fabric like armor thing.. it's so special.. and it will keep you from the emergency room. It's like magic.
    Dear Newbie...
    I should warn you of the monster known as "the h-eat-gun"... If used too long it will melt your plastic and send you screaming in agony at the same time.. and I've seen it melt everything, seriously like a chest piece, and ear.. and a bucket... it didn't even flinch. Stay clear of the H-eat-gun and be sure to use other techniques like "the hot water bath of safety" or "oven treatment of patience". Oh yeah.. it's good. good job..
    Dear Newbie...
    One final note... once in a while you will see the end.. I'm going to tell you this right now.. it's real and it can almost be accomplished.. I almost did it once.. I thought i was there for a full 0.245 seconds, but when I looked again.. I realized I had more to do.

    So newbie.. welcome to FISD and your Journey to the 501st.. you'll do just fine..


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