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Posts posted by Penguitrooper

  1. I've seen these floating around the forums for shim measurements (forearms: 15mm x4

    biceps: 15mm x4

    Shins: 20 mm (front)

    25 mm (rear)

    Thighs: 20 mm (front)

    25 mm (rear)) would these be suitable for a guy who's about 5'5" and around 150lbs? I may go a little wider on the shins though. I wear leg braces for walking and I'm gonna need them to troop!



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  2. Here's my supply list so far as from doing research on the forums.


    -Tin snips(straight and curved)




    -Tandy Line 24 snaps 5/16th post(30 ct)


    -Snap setting anvil




    -Dremel w/assort. heads


    -Drill w/assort. Bits


    -2" wide industrial Velcro (gonna split it to double)


    -Shop blade


    -finishing strips




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  3. I have the ear screws just need a new ear. I have a guy here in AZ who vacuforms the abs so he said he'd fix me up a new pair of ears. This time I'll do them right and not rush through em. I now know the importance of "take your time you'll get it done."



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  4. Alrighty so I'm working on my build and I'm doing my research. I've come across many things but I'm still unsure as to where to get certain things locally. Specifically on the west coast of the US. I've built my bucket and I'm gonna fix it up as I go. I'm either 1. Getting new ears or 2. Patching the holes made by my "gauges". Either way they will be restored. I'm currently fine trimming the thighs and shins. I'm gonna go with a Velcro attachment for the shins. Does anyone know what size shims I should cut out beforehand? I've seen numbers floating around for shins and thighs but no definite answer. I'll post pictures in this thread. Lend me your wisdom oh wise ones! ! 3f7fb08429ae937fd7b2aeea8cfacf69.jpg



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  5. Snaps attached to plastic also allow you to change the length of the elastic easily. That helps when first fitting your new costume. And if your body changes you may want to adjust over time.


    And if you use snaps with elastic you will be able to take your armor apart and store/transport it.





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    with the snaps, can I glue them to a piece of ABS then glue that to the innards of the plastic(ex. Snaps glued to the chest/ab plate or shoulder bridges for torso and back)



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