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Mr. No Stripes

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Mr. No Stripes

  1. Well, I thought I was being specific, but if you don't like my ideas... I won't press them any further . I was just trying to help out, but since Im new... I don't think I'm really being taken seriously... I guess I can understand why Thanks -TK5019
  2. I found the problem of the resizing issue. The banner is just too big... the search feature jumps up, and shifts the banner down over the main bar (with "elite stormtroopers," elite standards, my controls. etc. are). If you haven't noticed it, just reduce the window size more... I'm using Explorer though it may be different on Firefox. As far as the elite forum... I thought the elite suits were the "screen accurate" suits. I guess I was mistaken, I thought you had to have an AP or TE (or similar) to have elite status... you don't except FX suits into elite status do you? I suggested the icons for ranks, because this forum already has ranks for post counts. Thought it would just make it look cooler . I like ranks, because it give people incentive to post. I'd rather have a "good job!" post every once in awhile than no posts at all. the emoticons I suggested were replacments to the ones currently... just as a suggestion also you may want to change the thumbsup to :thumbsup and the happy... to :happy... its just easier to remember as far as navigating... people who use the forum software can easily navigate... but for someone who has never used it before... it can be a challenge. When I ran my own IPB forum for a while... people were asking me questions all the time about how to use it. Its seems like the goal of every website should be more user friendly Again these are only suggestions for improvment... its ok if you dont like them
  3. If you could take a look at my later post, not just my first that would be great. Just let me know what you think. 1 & 2. Here are some that need to be on every forum. If you need help on how to put these on the sidebar... I can do it for you if you give me access. 3. Ok, the things that make it cluttered. For one, I think there are just too many forums. The New Member & the Getting Started forum could easily be merged... the birthday forum is not needed... Also you may want to better organize the basic training forums (Helmet, Weapons & Munitions, Armor, Boots & Accessories, etc.), and perhaps put icons for each sections. Instead of AP/TE2 thread, why not call it the "elite" forum. The request elite status could be merged with this. I also would move the "Need Help" button... The orange lettering dosn't really seem to go with the stormtroopers either... more for ...rebel pilots Also, way too many acronyms (NCO... BFG... AP... TE...) I know what they mean, but chances are not everyone does. I'll try and think of some more things and post them. 4. Just resize the window smaller... and you'll see what I mean. 5. the only reason I say this is when i typed in whitearmor.com my computer filtered it, because it said it was a porn site... I'm not sure if it actually is though
  4. Also it would be nice if when you clicked on the "Fast Reply" button it would take you to the bottom of the page. Where the Fast Reply box is. It Would be nice to have th fast reply next to the "Edit" & "Quote" buttons
  5. I've noticed this when I shrink windows as well.
  6. few more suggestions 1. Need star wars rankings with gifs for post count... I made these, so feel free to use them edited 2. maybe Create a tab linked to Photobucket for easy image hosting.
  7. I have a few minor suggestions. 1. I think the needs to be an animated gif... it looks kinda awkward when the mouth doesnt move . I know it came standard with the software, but thats one of the first things I changed. 2. Second... We need a thumbsup in the side emoticon for easy access. I use that one alot 3. Some things seem a bit cluttered (not easy to navigate through). 4. on some computers with standard moniters... The Header overlaps the bar underneath... so you cant access anything in that bar. 5. you sould get the thefisd.com domain... I'll add some more later love the site though
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