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Posts posted by Tibo

  1. Hello guys,


    My helmet is equipped with a RomFX and two little fans. While I am super satisfied with them, the batteries I have to carry are a pain. The fans take a 9V battery and the RomFX takes 8 AA battery.


    The 9V one is ok, I guess I can cope with it. But I installed the 8 AA at the back, in the groove above the neck. I found out it gives me severe neck muscle pain (more like the muscle going up the back of the skull) because the helmet's balance is off. Too much weight on the back.


    Therefore I was thinking of placing a powerbank above my head, seems there is some room to do so. However I have no idea how to modify the wiring and make them into a USB and if the tension in the same as a powerbank.


    Could I just solder red wire to red and black wire to black  ?


    Your help will be much appreciated !


  2. Hi Guys, coming back to you after installing everything and getting the Rom FX.


    The volume on the Hovi mic isn't as loud as I expected but that is not my main issue.


    The problem is the feedback. I am using the mic from Rom FX kit and the Hovic Mic (which are of a stellar quality build IMO and well worth the price). Unfortunately, I have a massive feedback which make them unusable. So I ended up using the chest mount speaker from Rom FX but I'll like to know find a way to use the Hovic, so much more convenient.


    Should I change the microphone ? I obviously cannot sparate the mic and the microphone more far from each other than they are now. So your tips will be really appreciated guys !


    Many thanks in advance

  3. My fans are 1 inch by 1 inch. Because they are two different design, one blowing the air up and the other one blowing the air on the side.


    The one blowing up needs some clearance below to suck the air up. So I elevated this one slightly , one edge resting on the edge of the other other, kinda make a Z shape.


    I will then place it above the chin, one fan blowing to my neck and the other one straight up to my face. I am a little worried about the noise they make but I have to wait for my RomFX to find it out.

  4. I see, thanks for the additional info CRXPanda. The fan I have are two different, one blowing to the top, the other one to the side.


    I see on you picture that you let your fans rest flat. When I do this, it does not ventilate efficiently. The fan is not able to suck air from the bottom. Therefore I need to make it stand up or at lest raise it 1cm from the helmet.


    Quite tricky, but you don't seem to have that issue. Any recomendation ?

  5. When you turn the switch on, you're connecting the red wires directly to the black wires... which is shorting out your battery!


    The way to connect it is:

    Battery - red wire - switch pin 1

    switch pin 2 - red wire - fan

    fan - black wire - battery

    Ok great, it's an easy modification :) Many thanks !


    Also, if your fans are expecting 5v and you're feeding them 9v, they're going to burn out pretty quickly.  There are things called buck converters that will take 9v in, and push out 5v. That probably wouldn't be a bad thing to buy (or switch to 4 rechargeable AA batteries which would give you 4.8v, and your fans would be much happier.




    That takes in anywhere from 8 to 23 volts, and spits out 5v.  (It's meant for car use, so it says it's for 12v, but I use one with a 9v source and it works fine)

    I'll go with the 4 AA battiries set up then, good advice, thanks. I am in Thailand and it is a bit if a struggle to source parts as we don't have main stores. It's all about seeking everything from small local shops, very time consuming. Ordering online is also a pain (thank you customs !)


    What is I wire two fans (5V) each, will the voltage split between these two ? I am not sure how much amps the battery can provide nor what the fans can take.


    In either case, you shouldn't wear the batteries near your face at any cost with your current setup!

    My armor is not done yet so lucky me, I have tried that set up on the table. I definitively won't install anything near my face before asking your approval ! :)


    Many thanks for the fast answer guys, I really appreciate.

  6. Hi guys,


    I would like to install fans in my bucket. I bought a 9V Panasonic battery, a switch and two small laptop fan (5V - 60W and 5V - 65W)




    My problem is that the battery gets very hot after 2min. When wired directly (battery to fan), all is good.


    Since this is as far as my electric skills go, I would love to have your advices. Could it be a faulty switch (yet it does work) ? Could it be the battery specs ?


    Many thanks for your help :)



  7. Many thanks Gazmosis. Indeed was going to look for some ABS. I believe I will be able to use the one from the belt (since I ordered the canvas one) but that wouldn't be enough.


    I still have an issue with the AB plate though, the one selling the AB kit in your link seems to stopped doing so long ago. The other solutions are only buttons, which I already have (just need a paint).


    Thanks again

  8. Thank you for your honest reply Gazmosis. I prefer to know it from the start ! I will nevertheless build it following the Centurion specs and I just get the basic EIB approval, it is ok. But I would like to make it the nicest I can. Also I bought the others part Centurion approveable in case one day I get a better armor.


    I got the armor locally (Thailand), this is the combination 90% of the Garrison here is using. Importing an expensive armor here will only make it not affordable for me once the customs apply the taxes. I knew I wasn't getting the best out there but I was really impatient to join the guys and did not plan for a budget, it was kind of an impulsive thing.


    For my first armor it will do just fine if I put passion in my build, I believe. I hope I can still get advices from you guys to make this FX the nicest I can. I am also looking for AB plates, the only thread I found is now closed.


    Thank you :)

  9. Hello guys,


    Ok I guess it's part of the process, spent a good amount of hours looking here, reading, bookmarking, taking notes, trying to follow a budget, printing .pdf etc.. thinking I could do without creating a thread. What was I thinking.. ^^


    Here is the situation :


    1) I received my FX armor yesterday, trimmed already but not assembled or paint or else




    2) Ordered Hovic Mic from Ukwrath


    3) Ordered Canvas Belt from TKittel


    4) Ordered RomFX


    5) Ordered ANH Handguard latex and gloves from Sonnenchein


    6) Will order Blaster Holster from Darman (and maybe the neck seal)


    7) Boots will be custom made locally and the blaster will be a props made locally as well.




    So yesterday I opened the box to try to figure out how much work I need to do. My target is to get Centurion level approved directly. It is my first build, maybe it is out of my reach but I thought if I have to build what I have now, I should do it the best way I can. I will butt join the armor and only use rivets when required. Basically the Centurion requirements is now my Bible ^^ Do you guys think I am aim too high for a first build ? :blush:


    My first question for the helmet. I have two set of ears in the box, quite different in size and shape (for the "leg" part). Which one should I use, the helmet is a Stunt (at least it seems to be to me).








    Second question, the helmet again, I got this extra chin piece. I planned to only paint black the helmet, I did not see anywhere else that I have to add that part. Could you please tell me if it is of any use ?




    Third question, the lenses. I got two flat green piece of whatever-that-is but they are super stiff. Not like glass but close to be. There is no way I can bend them to fix them properly. So is it suppose to be like this or should I seek for a more suitable material ?







    For the rest of the armor and everything else I will post along the process, but if you guys could help me on this first, I would really appreciate it. :icon_beg:




  10. I think you should hold off and save up more money until the rom/fx is in your budget. Anything else is just delaying yourself.

    Thanks Locitus, I am really thinking about it..


    I have contacted RomFX for a shipping quotation and see if they can declare a low value on the package to help me avoid the customs.


    Otherwise, as a plan B, anyone knows where I can get the Hytechtoyz version ? The link on eBay does not shop to Thailand and I just cannot find any other on the web. Hytechtoyz official page isn't available.


    Thank you guys for your help



    THGprops write on overview : Ships worldwide from Oregon, United States.
    Is that true?
    If its true maybe I want to order the rubber version.
    I hope not banned by my country customs cause made from rubber material.


    Have you order it already ? I am in Thailand and I'd like to know if the customs got you on this ^^

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