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Posts posted by Belakor

  1. TK 2011 said:
    How do you guys with screen accurate helmets do with the cooling? These helmets are much smaller than the FX helmets (as you know) and I have big problems where to put the fans... Pics would be great!


    I don't really know how the RT-Mod compares to other helmets (in terms of size) but here's how I did my fans:


    I could only find the 3" blower type fan so it's a bit cramped. I did have two standard 50mm fans but because of the space in the helmet and limited air flow I swapped one out and put the blower in and now I get enough air to clear the lenses if they fog and keep me cooler.


    I think I have more pics of the fans here somewhere that I could post if needed.


    Hope that's of some use. :)

  2. Thanks for the warm welcome and comments on the armor :)


    I'll post some better pics as soon as I finish my blaster and boots which shouldn't take too long... it would be easier if I wasn't constantly playing with this helmet, just when I think I'm done a new idea pops into my head :lol:


    ... Hope you're coming over to Oz for the reunion in October?...

    Hi Nugget,


    I've been reading about the reunion in October and it sounds really cool, I'm not sure if I'll be able to head over but I'll do my best to get there :D

  3. Hi all,


    I'm Aaron from New Zealand, been lurking here for a while and I decided I should probably introduce myself since I'm getting close to sending my 501st membership form in :)


    I got my FX armour in december last year and an RT-Mod helmet early january and I've been building ever since, the only things left are the E11 and my boots and after that I'll be ready for my first troop in april... I can't wait! :D


    This photo is a little outdated now:


    The silver things on the sides of the helmet are the rivets holding it together, it was way easier to work on the inside with the dome removed so they were placed in the sides to hold it together for the pic.


    One of the inside of the RT-Mod:


    It's getting a bit cramped in there but I like it, all it needs are some green lenses (which are on the way)


    Thanks for creating this site and filling it with all this information, it's been really helpful during my build :)




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