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Posts posted by johnnyshotfirst

  1. It feels like this day would never happen.  After scraping & saving for the better part of 2 years, the big brown box has arrived.  I’ve been an avid researcher on the forums for a long time now, was lucky enough to attend Gazmosis’ Anovos seminar a couple of months ago and attended several meet & greets with the Midwest Garrison.  Can’t say enough on how much these forums and all of you in the 501st have helped me to get to this point.  

    So...let’s get building!




    The BIG BROWN BOX arrived and you won’t believe this...the same day, my TK boots which I’ve been on a list for like 16 months, arrived as well...I felt like the force in this build was off to a strong start!  Paul really packs this stuff well, everything arrived intact and ready to go.  TM ABS capped armor is a sight to behold.






    Fortunately, I live close to Chills and he was kind enough to help me out with laying out all the pieces, marking the entire kit and getting some trimming started.  To have an experienced hand for those first couple of cuts was extremely helpful.  Plus...bonus! Got to see the much lauded Death Star room….very cool.






    Lots more pics to follow....December will be a tough month to get stuff done with a house full of kids and a wife that's due with another in February.   Just really happy to finally have my TK build thread off and running. :smiley-sw013:

  2. So awesome! Curious, on the armor pieces, after the mutiple coats of glue and plastidip, white & clear glaze, what's the rigidity of the armor pieces. My daughter is dying for a trooper suit and I was considering pepakura with a fiber glass finish...but your project has my curiosity peaked. I tried a pep helmet and it killed me, ended up getting her a helmet from Walt ;)

  3. I'm getting ready to get started on my DDay E11 pipe build.  I'm planning on using bondo for fills and smoothing.  

    I took a look at the bondo site and shopped a bit on amazon and didn't realize how many types of bondo there are! 


    What do you all recommend for working with resin E-11's   


    I saw all-purpose bondo putty which looks like it would do well, and the most popular from what I've seen in the

    forums is 261, also have seen green putty and tamiya putty mentioned....any suggestions folks? 





  4. Greetings Johnny, and welcome to the FISD!!!


    I grew up in Cicero, went to HS in Melrose Park, but was a Recruiter in Oak Park for almost four years. You've got a great and active Garrison there, good luck on your journey!! Have fun with it!

    Crazy....saw that you were stationed in Japan, I was stationed in Sasebo (USN) 95-99  :salute:​ 

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  5. Welcome Bro!!! My mother in law lives in Oak Park! We should cross paths soon! Make sure you sign up on the Midwest Garrison page!



    Absolutely!   I just recently posted in the welcome mat on the midwest forum.  If you're ever in Oak Park on Saturday or something, holler at me, would love to chat about stuff over a beer :)

  6. Hello All,

    I'm a husband/father of two living in Chicago, Oak Park.  Really enjoy making pretty much anything. Mostly woodworking (beginner) and pretty much anything my kids and I can solder, glue, mold or craft. 
    In the last year I've gotten into the replica prop forum and working on a Solo blaster. Got involved in a machining run with some people and just had a blast. This pretty much led me to wanting to build a stormie and troop with the 501. Hey...even Han wanted to be in the Imperial Navy first right?!   Really like the charity aspect, thinks it's awesome!  I'm pretty hopeful that my daughter might want to do some trooping too. :)

    I'll take all the help and info I can get on what people are doing for solid trooping gear these days that can pass 501 muster 
    Thanks all...looking forward to joining this great community.




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