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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by PGPDPig

  1.       Thanks for all the input. I'm finding out that no armor is perfect and it seems like it mainly comes down to personal feel and preference. I'm not much of a clown, so that won't be a factor but I do plan on trooping as much as I can. Looks like I'll have to check the armor once in a while to make sure there are no stress fractures and if I find them to glue and repair them before they become a major problem. I've noticed it seems like comfort is the biggest problem, making all the little adjustments here and there.

          Part of the main appeal of the RS for me was that they are movie accurate. The time wait is probably going to be the part that's going to drive me crazy. I'm expecting it to take several months. The good part about that is it will allow me to get all the other parts to the armor in the meantime.



  2.      Newbie here. I've been killing my brain with all this research about armor, neck seals, boots, holsters and everything. I had no idea that half this stuff even existed before I started this major project. But with all that said, I'm crazy excited about getting my armor and putting it on for the first time. After all the research I've done on the armor, I'm like 99.9% sure that I want to go with the RS stunt ABS armor. From reading all the posts it seems like there are no cons about the RS armor. Is it really that good of an armor, or does anyone have any cons about the armor?

          Also, since I have two left feet when I dance and two thumbs when it comes to fixing or putting things together, I'm planning on going with the fully loaded package and have them put it all together for me. Has anyone else with RS armor had them put it together for you and if so, was it worth it or not? 



  3. Newbie here,

         I have a couple of questions about the holster and the belt attachment. From reading some of the threads I noticed that there were comments about the width of the straps holding the holster to the belt. I want to say I heard 20mm. I have looked around for a while and I haven't seen any measurements on any of the posts or in the EIB or Centurion requirements section. Also I was looking to see if there was any requirements on the positioning of the rivets that hold the straps to the belt? Like, do the need to be attached at the bottom on the belt, middle etc. I saw that it has to be 1 rivet to attach it, but I couldn't find anything about the placement of the rivet. I'm eventually going to try for Centurion, so I'm looking to attach the holster to the belt for Centurion level now, so that way when I apply for it, I won't need to make any kind of corrections. I figure you only get one shot at this, because once you attach the rivet, that's it.

          Any ideas of where to look so I don't mess this up.



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  4.      Hello, my name is Thomas and I'm from the Annapolis area of Maryland. I've already contacted my local Garrison, Old Line Garrison and they have been a good help to me. Next month I'm planning on attending my first event and help the OLG as a squire as well as talking to the members and gathering information on working on my Stormtrooper armor. 

         A little about myself. I remember watching Star Wars on the big screen back in 77' and I fell in love with the Stormtroopers right then and there. For the last 10 years I've always wanted to own Stormtrooper armor but didn't give it much more then that. The past year I started thinking serious about it. The last couple of months I figured, you know what, go for it and started doing some reserch on the internet. I started in the place most people probably did, good old Amazon and Ebay. I quickly learned that really wasn't a good place, but it did get me started hearing about the 501st. I heard about it from a couple of other places so I looked and here I am. I started thinking, if I'm going to spend all this time and money, I wanted to wear the armor more then just once in a blue moon. After going on line and reading the 501st Legion website, I fell in love. I'm the father of four boys, two of which are special needs. One of my twins was born with Cerebral Palsey (CP) and is wheelchair bound and will most likely not ever be able to walk. He is only 10 and has already spent a good part of his life in hospitals and had several surgeries. My second son was born with Erbs Palsey which effected his right arm and has limited use of it and has had two surgeries to gain some mobility in his arm. My Ex and I have done some charity work with her doing most of it through the March of Dimes. So when I read about the 501st Legion and all the charity that they do, I felt it was a win win situation. I can get the Stormtrooper Armor that I have always wanted and also give my time to various charities. I just want to stand up and give all of you a standing applause for all the charity work that all of you have done. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

           I also have a couple of questions about the armor. My head is seriously spinning from all the online looking that I have done and knowing that I still have a long way to go. I am seriously looking at AuthenticProps (AP) and  RSPropMasters for purchacing my armor. I noticed that the two main types I'm hearing about are HIPS and ABS. But I also noticed the RS has PVC. I have ruled out TIPS but of ABS and PVC, which do you think would be the best? I'm leaning towards the RS PVC armor. Does anyone have that or heard anything about it, Pros or Cons? Is there any other advise you could offer me about Stormtrooper armor? I'm planning on building ANH stunt armor. 



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