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Posts posted by HawkFan24

  1. Looks good to me as well, don't get discouraged when people are commenting on what you may need to change. Everyone has a different eye for different things that they notice and comment on. Steve has the final word on what you'll need to change before approval. Most of Jason's suggestions are minor mods that you may or may not have to do. Personally I don't find your side gaps distracting. I've seen a lot of troopers with this gap. What I noticed was that perhaps you can drop your thighs down just a bit to reduce the knee gap at the back.


    With the S trim, a lot of people hide the gap by having the two ends meet underneath the vocoder instead of having them meet at the back of the helmet where the gap is more visible.


    Good luck with your application!

  2. Looks like your shim on the right side popped out? I don't have any experience with shims so I can't really give my two cents. Someone else will chime in. I did notice however that it looks like your TD screws are Phillips instead of slotted screws, I don't think it affects your application but slotted screws are screen accurate. The vertical ab button plate may need to be trimmed down a tad so that it doesn't extend past the raised portion it is mounted on, you did it right with the main ab button piece. Looking good though! Great action shot, reminds me of the opening of happy Gilmore lol :)

  3. I would adjust your back plate so it is not overlapping your kidney plate and retake the photo. Steve mentions this in your EIB thread. I would also erase the pencil line on your cod plate. There should also be a pic of the back of your thermal detonator showing the clips and the black slotted screws. You could also look into trimming the cover strip on your right thigh so it is even with the thigh, it looks to be extending past the thigh on the photo of the back of your drop box. Other than that pretty solid build, all minor adjustments. Good luck with your application! Looking good :)

  4. Like most things....you get what you pay for. If this is something you really want to get into then take your time and save your money to get a good quality set of armour otherwise you will be disappointed with what you get for $300. You'll stand out like a sore thumb when you're photographed next to someone wearing TM, ATA, RS etc and you are wearing a bad recast or FX armour 

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