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snoopy trooper

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by snoopy trooper

  1. I have 2 sets of Blue tube stripes with blue ear stripes to . I have 2 sets :rolleyes: . The first 2 that e-mail me @ snoopy93jeep@yahoo.com with your address were to send them get them . :o O did I say FREE lol :D . will send them out in the AM. ok sorry USA only cost alot to just ship it across the pond




    1 gone thanks Darryl


    2nd one gone thanks will



    all gone now sorry

  2. i get stuff like that sometimes. people that think they are so much better than us and talk about us like that. we are no different then the football fans who go to games painted in team colors with no shirt on in 30 degree weather for 4 hours. they are worse in my opinion. at least we do it for charity. that guy has no soul. i guess we just arent acceptable members of society because we use what we love to help make others lives better through charity, right?







    i could not have said it better my man . we do what we do for the kids and the kid in all of us . i am going to show up @ his house on Oct 31 . i wish i could have 1000 of us @ my 6 and to show him and others we are here and we are here to stay . every day we become stronger in our #'s . weather it be the good or the bad side .



  3. hi all . i want to put a fan in my dome that will blow the hot air out . i was thinking that i could cut slits were one of the back stickers are . do any of you have a extra dome decal? once i take it off it know it will get messed up and i will not be able to use it . i don't want to spend $20-$25 :( on a hole decal kit . but i will donate funds for just one or trade with some extra parts i have :rolleyes: lol . has any of you done this mod to your bucket? i have done some test's on some extra abs i have just to see how steady my hand is and it turned out good :D . all input for this mod would be good . PM me if you want to trade or donate one or if you would like me to donate for one .

  4. Wow... that's sad and hilarious all at once. I'm sure he doesn't "dress up" at all... I mean what's suit and tie? Only a conformist's costume. We all conform, and "costume," in one way or another. None of us ever display who we really are in public... wouldn't you agree?


    I think he needs counseling.







    i did see the principle today when i went to get my GF son from school and yes he is in his costume . slack , white shirt , tie , dress shoes . i don't like his costume . if i had a kid in the school YES i would go in dressed up . that he could not stop .the across the st. thing would tick him off . it would be funny . i AM going to his house on Oct 31ST . that he cant stop LOL

  5. :lol:Oh bud I wouldn't expect you to. It is just frustrating. I'm an engineer who I guess is childish and will never grow up.






    this hole thing pisses me off more than you know :angry: .i will NEVER grow up :D . I'm just a kid trapped in a old body with a house payment .LOL no matter how old i get i will always have that kid in my just like we all do . just when we get older the toys cost more now. :lol:

  6. What an an impolite person. What really bothers me is he is here to serve the kids and this would be such a great pleasant surprise. We should all email him.







    i wish i could give it out but i don't want my GF son to get hell for it and ok i would get hell for it . I'm in a small town with only 1200 in it and in from SF Cal so i still a out sider here (been here for 9 years now)even know he prob does not know it is me i wish everuone around me would just show up but off school grounds just to piss him off . as to serve the kids does not look like he is into that just a paycheck.

  7. i was thinking for going to the school on oct31st as a ST . my GF sent the principle a email to ask like i should do . well she got one back ."With the equipment they would be carrying, it would be best not to be at school" he is talking about the weapon's . i can understand that kinda . i the school you can not have any kind of simulated gun or knife or things like that. i said i would not bring it then but still a no go . my GF son thinks it would be way cool to go to the school . now i have to tell him i cant go now . i just had to vent about this . i can understand but also i don't LOL. i know the kids would have loved it . the part i don't understand is that kids over @ the HS have their 12gage and rifles in their trucks in the winter time when we have hunting season that is OK but a fake one is not . maybe its me but i don't get it . think you for reading my vent LOL.


    have a good day and troop safe











    update ; he (the principle) sent another email in response to one that no blaster or light sabers will be brought to school. he has a BIG problem with adults dressing up . his words " No grown man should be dressing up like a starwars character it's immature to do that and the people that do need to grow up end of subject and thanks for asking before you came to the school" . OK yes this man is a di*k . i even gave him the 501's web page . he has no child inside him anymore . what ever happen to lets do things for the kids.

  8. i was thinking for going to the school on oct31st as a ST . my GF sent the principle a email to ask like i should do . well she got one back ."With the equipment they would be carrying, it would be best not to be at school" he is talking about the weapon's . i can understand that kinda . i the school you can not have any kind of simulated gun or knife or things like that. i said i would not bring it then but still a no go . my GF son thinks it would be way cool to go to the school . now i have to tell him i cant go now . i just had to vent about this . i can understand but also i don't LOL. i know the kids would have loved it . the part i don't understand is that kids over @ the HS have their 12gage and rifles in their trucks in the winter time when we have hunting season that is OK but a fake one is not . maybe its me but i don't get it . think you for reading my vent LOL.


    have a good day and troop safe



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