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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Posts posted by tkrestonva

  1. Is it me or is the bucket not accurate? It looks like a normal MR CE taken right out of the box.


    The frown doesnt have the extra hole and the extra screw on the ears isnt there.


    Plus it still has the bubble lenses.


    Am I wrong?


    Most of the buckets we see around here are Stunt version, which may explain why you expected to see different teeth, lenses, etc. Still, kudos for recognizing the lineage to the MRCE.


    Definitely an excellent find.

  2. I had the same problem with my chest plate riding up and shoulders riding back. Billy Haggis showed me a way to strap the ab piece to the chest piece, it solved both problems.




    In addition to shortening the drop box straps, I suggest attaching them to the plastic utility belt instead of the canvas part, and using 1" wide straps across the biceps (it looks like you have 2" straps). :)

  3. Any armor can be made to fit any frame.


    Having said that, you seem like a pretty big dude. How much do you weigh? RT Mod (the Rob you refer to) is probably right up your alley. No painting required.


    RT Mod

  4. That's where I have my butt cut.


    The cod cut up front isn't required for EIB, and I've seen mixed opinions on whether or not it's worth it in terms of going #1. Personally, I didn't do it. I'm just careful about managing my fluid intake, especially during long troops.

  5. Welcome. It sounds like you've got both the motivation and experience to go a great job with your AP kit.


    Have you hooked up with your local 501st garrison (Garrrison Carida) yet? Did you attend either the opening or closing weekend of the Star Wars - Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit in Philly last year? Carida and the neighboring garrisons put on quite the show. :duim:

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