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Plastic Soldier

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Everything posted by Plastic Soldier

  1. Congratz, looks like a good time. Great looking bunch of troopers.
  2. I got her a TK plush toy a week before and have been showing her Stormtroopers for a month or so plus I took off my helmet where she first saw me then she relaxed. Santa was easy for her after seeing Vader,
  3. You as well, that is Evilboy looking dark and ominous in his Black Hole/ Shadow Trooper by the way. I will be hitting you up for a fan kit soon.
  4. Yes, these guys couldn't have been more generous. I am grateful and fortunate.
  5. Some guys in the Garrison got together and lent me a Snowtrooper for the day while I am building my TK. I had a blast and helped raise some toys/ donations for Toys for Tots. I can't wait to get into my TK. My wife, daughter and some of the Garrison in the following pics with me. Thanks for looking!
  6. I got my boots and E-11 recently and started on my bucket. Any critiques, advice or mockery welcome. How are the eyes and teeth? thanks!
  7. I cut out the eyes and trimmed face. I also drilled a hole and added the D-Ring to the E-11 hyperfirm. Should get some pics up soon.
  8. My first piece arrived today, the bucket from the fine gent over at ATA . I hope to start on this whenever my tools and stuff arrives from Trooperbay, probably this weekend. I decided to do Centurion right from the start so I might be a help to others some day plus I like the challenge. Here it is...
  9. Kyro says the plasti-dip keeps it cooler while logic would make me think it would be hotter, Used in conjunction with fans, which is it?
  10. I always wished the vents were actual vents and not painted on.
  11. I really need to hurry and get my armor done, love that shirt and looking forward to my members only jacket.
  12. Very nice, I never got into farscape but loved her character in Mad Max 2.
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