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Posts posted by brokenskateboards

  1. OK.... here we go again.


    So lining up the outside first



    and then the inside.... but making sure the plate is on straight of course



    and now the front view... looks pretty good!.... but look down! Look how much longer one side is than the other! To get the plate to stay straight you have to have the 2 halves of the shin totally misaligned!



    Now I could imagine trimming that whole inside part at the base by the inch it's off or so.... but what about the back?!



    You've gotta admit that's pretty messed up and no amount of glue is going to stay in place to twist it up in the back to be OK looking to be held by velcro. No way!


    So what am I suppossed to do? Am I missing something here? I have no experience with this stuff at all so I'm pretty overwhelmed and freaking out a bit.

  2. Hi Guys,


    I'm building my first TK and am using the AP kit. I'm having some REAL problems with the Left shin with the sniper plate though. The 2 halves seem to be so different from the right side. Regardless, I can line them up and they're OK. When I go to put the sniper plate on though it seems totally Kooky! Maybe pictures would be better.



    Here's the sniper plate in place. Looks OK!....






    the outside edge (the side facing out on the left) is aligned to the shin's grooves (sorry I don't know how better to describe it)




    but the inside alignment is off!



    and looking at it from the rear you can see it's off a bit too. I'm thinking if the glue holds up, it can be twisted a bit and held in place with the velcro strips.



    Now then..... what if I aligned the sniper plate to the grooves on the shin? Well! I can get both sides to align...

    first the outside



    then the inside... it's still not that great as you can see



    but then look at the front! The sniper plate looks totally crooked!



    but the back is pretty much the same. Some twisting and industrial strength velcro will hopefully do the job.



    Now then.... what if I could align the plate to the edges but get the plate straight? Well here we go...


    photobucket is crashing so I'll post those pics next. Don't want to lose all this by not posting.

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