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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Posts posted by svache

  1. I heard the news last Friday morning, I only just got home from dropping my 3yo daughter off at her school (she attends preschool at an elementary) and I was quite shocked when I turned the TV on for some news.. When I heard the stories of how people were waiting for their kids and that by the time the last child was united with the it's parents the other parents were told that their kids did not survive, I fell in shock. I immediately made the connection to my own daughter, asking myself questions "what if I was standing there, waiting for my daughter and she wouldn't come out?".. Needless to say I couldn't exactly keep my eyes dry, it hurt me so much. And it still does when I think about such a situation. I cannot imagine what those people must go through, such horror :(


    The rest of the day, and most of the weekend actually, I had a heavy heart. Thinking about what happened there. We had a troop the same night, and two more the day after on Saturday and I have been seriously doubting whether or not I should go to those troops because of my emotions. Eventually I decided I should go, that it would matter twice as much to give the kids there a great time, to make them smile and make them happy. And it did matter, for the kids but for me too.


    Ever since the event I have not seen any anti-gun posts on FB and elsewhere because of what happened, the only posts related to the event and guns where pro-gun posts and that kind of confused me because, "why was everyone all of the sudden posting so much about that guns were not the issue? Did anyone say it was? Why would anyone say that? Isn't it obvious the guy just went crazy? Isn't it obvious he could have gotten a weapon elsewhere if guns were banned? Didn't they hear about what happened in China with that knife incident, that there were no guns involved in that incident?" And so on... well, no anti-gun posts until one person started yesterday with anti-gun posts and then it became clear to me that it must have happened more over the weekend, that I was simply blessed to have either missed it or have people in my list who are wiser than that.


    I'm originally from the Netherlands, guns are banned there as some of you may know, and not just a little bit either, even the props we use, such as the E11 blaster, are just as much banned as real weapons. But even there, if someone wants to, it would not be hard at all to obtain a weapon. I know this first hand, not because I ever sold or bought one, but simply because I did see certain things when I was still in school... yes, there were guns in school in a country that has guns outlawed to the max.. then why would these idiots think a ban in the US would actually make a difference? And even if the US were to successfully ban guns, there are so incredibly much weapons around already, both legal and illegal, it wouldn't make a difference anymore.. no difference at all, except for those who want to protect themselves against those idiots who already have weapons and cannot get any weapons anymore.


    Having said this, I also seen quite a few people call for teachers to carry guns. And while I agree that it might make a difference (although I do think it cannot be proven if it would have mattered in this case, or in any other case, simply we never had it at hand and simply because it is one thing to carry a gun but a whole other to actually aim and shoot it at someone, even in self-defense), I am quite reluctant to say teachers should have guns. Reason for this is simply because it could also make matters worse. Now, they probably wont have much going on with the students in elementary but in high schools or universities, it could end up quite dramatic. When I was in high school, and likewise in college, I have seen many a teacher go pretty crazy because of some students who pushed their teachers to the limit. There was even one time where I could easily say that if that teacher had a gun, I might not be sitting here to write this reply. He went totally ballistic. And sure, he got sent away from school but, if he did have access to a weapon.. I don't know, the results might have been quite dramatic. Or what to think if a madman runs into a school, shooting around him, he might very well kill a couple of kids before he could even be gunned down himself. The damage would, although less, still be done. He shouldn't even be able to get near the classrooms. No, if there have to be weapons in schools to stop these things, I'd rather see armed and trained security guards at every school entrance (this creates extra jobs as well, guess that's an extra plus). I know this would change the whole climate drastically but I think it would be safer for everyone involved. Bottom line is, I am not against weapons and am against any ban that some people are talking about, but I do not feel teachers should carry guns as that would create a lot of extra risk as well because of the stress some of them have to endure. Even if they have proper training, there might still be someone who could go crazy. And that's what this really is about, and should be about: 'people going crazy'.


    Like so many already mentioned before me, both here and elsewhere, the mental illnesses are probably one of the biggest issues that we see here. I once had a girlfriend who was suicidal and, well, just not all there at times. A perfectly nice girl if you know her but she did have her moments. It took her a long, very long time until she finally got her doctors that far that she had to be admitted in a hospital setting, and when she was there, she was released way too early.. even I, someone without medical background, could easily notice not much was changed. No, they simply didn't want to work on her anymore since the insurance stopped paying. And that's really wrong there, doctors who admit people too late and kick them out of the programs (if they even get in) before they actually should. There is no proper care, and that's what should chance first.


    Anyways, guess that's a bit my take on the whole discussion that's going on everywhere..

  2. Never thought of doing this for troopings (using my calendar for this) but I like it, good idea! But can I make a suggestion about the folder names?


    When I store pictures, I usually store the folders in their own years, after that, the picture folders are similar as yours but like this:


    "YYYY-MM-DD - Name of event"


    When you do it this way, it will always be in order of date taken :)


    Of course, if you have lots of pictures (I actually did it this way during some years), it might be advisable to even do have separate folders of the months (still I would name the folders themselves like in my example above, also always with double digits (this because you might see 10-19 before 2 but never before 02.. and yes, you can just do 2 digits instead of 4 for years, I doubt any of us will still be trooping when the year 2100 comes around lol).



    Edit: lol I just realize my tip is actually only good for those in Europe and other places where the normal way of doing it is DD-MM-YYYY, you have it MM-DD-YY, the US way of having the date, and then it is already ordered.. soooo ok, for those who have the month always first, disregard most of my post above.. if you're from Europe, it might still be good to think about :P hahaha ;)

  3. Awesome write-up, Eric! :D


    And I'm sorry, I stole the last one right in front of your eyes to give to my wife..





    Edit.. only now I just notice something off at that 'TK'... hmmm.. a clean TD or a confused TK huh?

  4. Links to patches and beret brings up an error... HELP! :mellow:

    They're only available to 501st members and posted in the 501st threads on this forum. If you are a member of the 501st, you need to specify this in your profile and have someone (like an admin) 'make the switch' so you get access to those threads :)

  5. perhaps we should have another lucky child this upcoming year get a garrison treatment like this?


    are there any other candidates for this type of thing in the future?


    maybe even make a charity drive on a yearly basis to make this happen?


    what kind of name would we give a project like this?


    "help a junior trooper"


    "trooper wish"

    If something like that is feasible, I'm all for it :)

  6. Interesting to see how the topic was about the question if EIB was becoming obsolete and slowly turned into the question if bigger troopers could reach Centurion :)


    I received my EIB status today and I couldn't be happier. My armor is mostly built to go Centurion as well but because of some mistakes in the build, that will have to wait until they're fixed. They will be fixed, no doubt, but if we did it correct the first time, I would have copied the pictures and pasted them in a Centurion application today as well.


    I am 6'1" and weigh about 185 lbs (ok, maybe 190 at the moment lol). Most of my weight is carried on my waist (my arms and legs are quite thin, my pants size is 34-36 (varies) but my waist is 42-44, just to give you an idea). I am currently sporting an AP armor which is a bit on the smaller side and it shows. We will try to fix it and get it all the way up to Centurion but if the size issue remains, then it's no Centurion for me, at least not in the AP armor.


    So, with that, if I indeed will not be able to fix the size issue with the armor and it would prevent me from getting Centurion, I am very happy that I can at least carry the EIB badge so, in that sense, I wouldn't call the EIB obsolete at all :)


    Either way, I will still try to get the armor done according to Centurion standards, it's just the size that is kind of worrying me at the moment.

  7. Sorry for my late reply, I was outside the house for a bit so couldn't reply earlier. Anyways, to come back to the comments :)



    First to Charles's comments


    1. The ammo belt is correct, we will have to take the rivets out, place them in the correct location and fill up the gap.


    2. When we did the shoot, we did notice the shin cover strip was slightly loose in the bottom, we didn't notice the thigh. Thanks for noticing, I'll make sure to inforce that.


    3. The kidney and shims is a bit hard. I have some loose baggage at the sides (I would say it comes with the age but I have had it all my life lol), so we'll have to figure that one out.


    4. Yep, it's the supplied green lens, I ordered a new one Sunday night so I expect that to arrive somewhere this week so I can replace that. It is indeed very flinsy, I didn't see anyone shoot with nerf bullets yet, but you never know what kids may do. Plus I have one bad eye, I better keep the other in tact :)


    5. Thanks for the tip of moving the snap inside the shoulder bell, we'll take a look what we can improve on that part.


    6. You're absolutely correct, we noticed this during the shoot so it's on the to-do list to get it all nice and glued up again.





    lol you told me before you're not a fan of the original strapping haha. Perhaps we should indeed take a look at taking the strapping off between the chest and ab, I agree there's more chance in bringing the chest down with just elastic (plus it would probably also give me more freedom of moving my neck if the chest is a bit down).





    Yeah, when I went with AP, I never thought it would be so much smaller than some of the other armors (per example, the armor in my avatar is Edwin's TE2, which seems to be better for my size (see also this image, where I'm wearing his armor: http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/5112/18502242254050715109328.jpg )). Sadly it's not just my length, but also my waist span that does this.


    - Will fix the ammo belt, that should be fairly simple to do. The hardest part may be filling the gap but I've seen it done before so I know we can do it =)


    - I'm uncertain what exactly you mean with the shoulder bridges. Could you point me to the picture so I get an idea what to look for?


    - Will try on the paintjob.. I have VERY shaky hands when I have to do something like that but will try my best :D



    - As for the shins, I just took a quick picture with my phone to show how they close. The shin in the picture is the right one (no sniper plate):







    Thanks so much all for the comments. We can (and will) work on them to improve the built :) (just not today, today I'll celebrate the EIB status ;) ).

  8. Wow I'm surprised but very, very happy with the fast approval! Very awesome! :D


    I will come back to you on the comments (don't have too much time right now, will have to bring my daughter to school in a bit), I love the constructive way they're given, they're really helpful (that was kind of the scariest part, what kind of critic would be given..) and Julie is correct, we're going to fix those for sure :duim:

  9. @Phil: Of course it's always nice to get great comments like that but at the same time I also know the pictures will be looked different at with the EIB and centurion applications.


    No worries, I know there might always be something that has to be adjusted, no problem, it's a way of learning. Others may see things that we have overlooked ourselves, it's one thing to build a TK, it's a whole other to actually go that extra step and go for better screen accuracy. There are only a few (if even there is even more than one) EIB's within our outpost (I actually think Eric (Darth Aloha) is the only one with EIB) and there is no Centurion at all in our outpost, so it is pretty much a learning process for those of us who are looking with me at this built. It might not always be fun to get critics but as long as they are honest, constructive and not demeaning, then there should be no problem other than to go back to the drawing board and fix what should be fixed in other to get that extra level :)


    Another way to think of it is basically looking back at how things were when still in school. If the teachers only tell people how well they do and never tell them what they do wrong, nobody would ever learn anything. It's the mistakes people often learn most from ;)


    We'll see how it goes =)

  10. Armor= AP

    Helmet= AP

    Blaster= Hyperfirm


    Height = 6'1"

    Weight = 185 lbs

    Boots = TK Boots

    Canvas belt = Trooperbay

    Hand Plates = Karin's (Sonnenschein) flexible ANH white rubber hand guards

    Electronics= Aker + IComm

    Neck Seal = Trooperbay

    Holster = Unknown, used from Daetrin



    79 pictures below, hope it covers everything. Some pictures may show Centurion specifc requirements instead of EIB requirements, hope that's no prob :)


    Bucket off:





    Front, bucket on




    Left side views










    Back view:





    Shoulder straps.. not an EIB requirement but it guess it shows what's the next step ;)



    Detail on detonator





    Right profile view:








    Front details:



    Gloves / flex. rubber (latex-like) handguards:



    Helmet details, handpainted frown, earbumbs & vocoder. Decals are AP specific ANH handpainted style decals:






    Some more side detail (holster) pictures:








    More helmet details (eyes are indeed sometimes visible, but that is because of the very bright flash.. normal view obscures the eyes enough):









    S-style helmet trim:




    Action pictures:







    Some more detail on the neck seal and shoulders:





    Lightly scuffed boots (like some of the other details in this thread, not needed for EIB but you know the idea ;) ).




    Sniper knee



    Ammo pack with rounded corners:



    Crotch & buttplate details on the snaps and such





    Some more detail pics of the front & belt:






    The inside, built with the original brackets










    Some blaster pictures:









    D-ring on the Hyperfirm blaster (and a (blurry) scope decal):



    Ok, one more action pic to finish it all :)


  11. Thanks :D


    @Tim, yeah we've been looking at that as well.. the problem is not really the shoulder straps, it is held by two snaps on each side so we could easily adjust it to become a bit bigger.. the problem, however, is with the brackets. The brackets make that the chest is actually fixed to the ab plate. If we give it more space as it is now, it will only give me a lot more space in my back because of the brackets and that kind of looked funny lol. I'll probably upload my EIB pics tonight so you can see how the inside was built and see what I mean :)

  12. Thanks so much guys (and gals!) :D


    Have you thought about connecting biceps and forearm?

    Yeah we thought about it but the problem is a bit that the forearms are very narrow and doesn't leave much room. We're currently thinking there might be a way to make it a little bit spacier and then we might be able to do this :)


    You're correct, though. I didn't notice it on the pictures until after you mentioned it, in some pictures it does indeed look like the forearm shifted a bit during the picture taking.

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