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Posts posted by CRISTONAMO

  1. Just get an RS kit instead of fully built its cheaper than an SDS and you will have the most accurate armor available. Don't listen to the SDS website, all they did is recast AP armor and its got much softer details. Basically all the armors available came from one derived suit except TM CFO RT-MOD and RS. ALl the others ATA MTK CAP-W TE TE2 AP BFA CTM MONCAL are all derived from TE armor. All with subtle differences. Just pick any of those so much more to offer than SDS  :)

  2. The armor is not FX. Looks either like CAP, or even a TE2. its a great set of armor! although I wouldn't recommend buying a 'practice' set. The RS and its cut lines will be completely different on they join cause of the origins so this TE derived armor won't help with problems of RS. Besides, you won't get the practice you need with this armor, even if you rip it apart just to reglue it, cause all your doing is re glueing it. It won't help you with assembling the helmet either.

  3. The only problem with getting the 501st for stormtroopers is that we all have different armors from different makers, so the color will be off, the armor will look different unless they only hire people with armor from a certain maker. 

    The next thing all the people playing all have to be around the same height, and weight as the movie feels is neccesary fro a Stormtrooper which will be 5'10 - 6' and weighing aorund 160-200 pounds. The next thing is this movie is after ROTJ, So they would

    most likely only want ROTJ troopers, and we don't have very many of those, there wouldn't be mixing in with other movie variations. Another problem is this movie takes place 30 years after ROTJ so I'm pretty sure they won't look like they did 30 years ago at all theres gonna be some big changes in the look. But that all does not matter, as Kevin Smith has confirmed that real stormtroopers are already on set so there won't be CGI troopers! We will see real stormtroopers in the movie just not the exact same way they were. :)

  4. My most memorable troop?  Hmmm...there have been so many.  I guess the ones that really stick out are as follows:


    The Force Unleashed video game release in SF (got to within 10 feet of maybe meeting George Lucas)

    Dave Prowse signing at Pier 39 in SF. Got to meet him and have some things signed.

    My first Wondercon in SF.  Got to do line duty for Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and met Ray Park (Darth Maul if you didn't know ;) )

    Participated in one of the stops of the last leg for The Amazing Race.  That was held at the Presidio in SF.

    Make a Wish event out at Skywalker Ranch. 

    The Clone Wars movie premier.

    Event out at Rancho Obi Wan.  Got our own private tour of the museum with Steve Sansweet. 


    I guess that would be it for now.  I've done this for 7 years, there are just too many to recall.

    I hope you first troop is a memorable one!


    pretty hard to top that  :blink:  My most memorable at the moment was escorting ray park at Albuquerque comic con :)

     The looks on peoples faces when they see the guy who played darth maul being followed by a garrison of stormtroopers and other characters is just amazing! 

  5. I am really leaning towards one of them.  I am 5'10 175-180 lbs(i dont own a scale for self esteem reasons)  lol...but have seen the armor look great with people around my size..my future squad leader reccomended them to me, and pricing is right about where I want them.....too hear about the changes I would email him directly... i don't feel right posting all the details for something im not actually selling myself

    Sounds like ATA or MTK or even CAPW is a better fit for you. Plus these armors are way better looking in terms of accuracy, shape, and overall appearance.

  6. Outstanding. Are any of these cast from originals or are they send made? What is the history of this armor?



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    The MTK is another one that was cast from the CAP, which was from TE and TE2. The TE was cast from a ROTJ suit and modified to look ANH, with an original ANH helmet cast. The only cast from original ANH armor Is RS PropMasters.

  7. That hook looks great! Can I asked what you made it from?


    Also, the complete belt looks great as well troopermaster! I love to make costume pieces for my self but would definitely be interested in a kit of the plastic parts!


    This forum rocks! Everyone's so helpful!



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    The belt is ABS plastic like the originals, the soft part is canvas also true to the originals :)

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