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Everything posted by SID

  1. Hello . I am looking for of sealants legs and hands. No rubber and not silicone. Please help .
  2. Something I found. , Recasting or what? http://www.fotosik.p...0/album/1165459
  3. Apparently we have similar tastes. Have a nice evening. Hi
  4. I can see to repel the attack, people are ready for great things by own transformations were similar to those that posted. Why wait until tomorrow, put them in now.
  5. TM is hiding from you the truth. He is afraid to think about your money and klijętów. Let the truth is served. Here are the pictures: http://www.fotosik.p...0/album/1164133
  6. And these are pictures that hid TM.
  7. Thanks for your kind remarks. What right has the TM to distribute photos without the consent of the owner? Apparently the fog covered her eyes, but the climate is probably defect. 12 years to build the armor is a great exaggeration, probably in the 10 years looking for material for her. RTA is currently in trial phase, they are not final, because they are not permanent. If several people wzoróje their work on the elements of original (pictures from the movie) are those jobs are very, very similar. Apparently, he looked in the eyes fear of competition. I do not feel sorrow for the TM. I admit the fact that some measures are taken with Armor TM
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