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Posts posted by OsotheBear

  1. That's Awesome!!!!!! Thank so very much, It's been a long journey , a dream I had since I was a kid and I couldn't have done it without your help and all the resources of the FISD , this is indeed a great community and I'm honored to be part of it now.

    I definitely will try to make some abs paste, The only reason I didn't do it it was cuz I lost a bit of weight and I was hoping to get rid of the shim altogether , but that's wishful thinking hahah.


    Thanks everybody for the help and kind words


  2. I got asked about the sniper plate , so here's a few photos 

    Yeah the sniper plate is  a bit problematic, but not impossible. What I did first is I took a long time to kind of ''present it '' like  with your hands and a bit of tape, to try to place it where you think it looks right, now , the sides aren't going to fit, so try to see how far from ''ideal' you have to move, the less the better, then I said, ok the sides I can bend a bit, so I took a scale modeling iron and slowly started to heat and bend , it really softens the plastic so you can shape it for it to fit the sides of the shin, I even sanded the shin sides a bit, It's ok the plate is going to cover it , also I made marks on pencil so I could erase them, and I think I cut a bit of the side ends too, Also I added a couple of plastic squares of the same abs because I found that if you place the plate directly over the shin, the two sides end up too far behind.I hope this makes sense, So it's just a matter of patience and slowly heat and bend, here are some photos that I just took for you to see , I hope it helps


  3. Hello troopers , I'm giving the finishing touches to my helmet and I was wondering about the s-trim, which one of these looks ok? the round or flat on the outside? and where is the the joint?do the edges meet in the front or in the back? I've seen helmet with the joint on both the front and back. Thanks!!


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