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Posts posted by SmilesLikeJoker

  1. This is a great thread, and great idea! I'm pretty sure this been mentioned before, but here it is anyway.


    I fluctuate between 180-195 lbs. I've got a little stomach, but not that bothers me too much. I wouldn't say I'm in the best of shape, but I'm slowly improving while maintaining a decent level of fitness. I did hit about 220 a couple of years back, but the military frowns upon not being able to meet fitness standards.


    One of the biggest mistakes I make, even to this day, is actually under eating. Eating healthy is a great thing, but there is still a certain amount of calories your body needs daily. It varies person to person based off the individual and their goals. I struggle to hit 1800-2000 calories a day with my meals. Don't under eat! Do some research and see how many calories you should be shooting for daily.


    Second.... water. I can't say enough about water. Drink it daily and often.


    Along with my cardio stuff I do, I also do the '200 Sit-ups' and '100 Push-ups' workouts and the occasional group exercise session. A quick google search and the workouts pop right up (all the same website). The program covers some standard 'core strengthening' exercises. I can vouch that the guide is pretty close, but you have to put forth the effort to hit the numbers. I would recommend the Iphone/Ipod app. That's what I use.


    That's all I got.


  2. Hi everyone!


    The Alaskan Outpost Garrison pointed me to you guys. Thank god they did! Browsing the forums for just a few minutes has already saved me from some VERY costly mistakes. /salute to the Newbie guides lol. The Garrison in Alaska has been nothing but helpful and welcoming. I'm hoping to make some life-long friends, do some community work, and look awesome while doing it :)


    Quick low down on me. Air Force almost 10 years. Life long Star Wars fan. First heard about the 501st a few years back while I was stationed in Germany. I was arrested by Stormtroopers at a charity event for refusing to let Darth Vader have my unopened Mountain Dew. It was a lot of fun. I've been toying with purchasing armor every since.


    It will be some time before my armor is up to 501st standards so I'll have to settle being a grunt for awhile lol. I managed to pick up a second-hand kit pretty cheap. I have to replace some of the items that were partially assembled because they don't meet my standards much less the 501st lol. Unfortunately, the mask is one of those items, and imo, the most important part visually. Lots of the assembly parts were not included (decals, rivets, screws, velcro, etc..). I treating it like my first car. I'm going to just get the beater running and then set my sights on something better. It's all going to be a learning experience lol.


    I look forwarding to meeting with some of you down the road, and I'll be sure to keep an eye for the droids we're looking for.



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