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Posts posted by Lichtbringer

  1. Australia (it was hard to find out you call it "pipe", not "tube"):


    Steelpipe 38 x 1,5mm, full length, only pickup (Wetherill Park, New South Wales):---------


    Steelpipe 1,5" x 1mm, cut to length, only pickup (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia): ---------


    Exhaust pipe 1,5" x 16 gauge (no idea what that is and if it fits), does ship:-------------


    You also might check your local exhaust shop or car parts store.


    Cool thanks for the heads up on this, I like this approach more than having to go down the route of using an epoxy etc. Do you get any creep doing this though?


    I tried the tape intentionally to arrange the track, and then i had planned to a very impolite person on after the other, and glue them again with epoxy or CA (hadn´t decided yet). That way i thought it would be easier to arrange them befor final gluing. And later on it would be easiert to epoxy them in place, too, just set each in the middle of two already adjusted tracks, one after another.


    But when ready i noticed it worked like a charm, and it has enough stability to handle it - so i left it that way. (Just a reminder - off course i cleaned all surfaces of the tracks and the saber with Isopropanol to get a good sticking effect with the tape, uncleaned surfaces may cause problems over time)

  3. My Kobold arrived too.



    Sweeeet. B)


    That´s the parts that come with mine:







    Thank god the needed, but nearly always missing, disc was included, too




    And cause i wanted to have a function in it, i made a flashlight from it




    A small vid:




    I'd seen that first picture before but couldn't determine if they were rounded or trapezoid, the others though are great.


    The first one, with the saber in front of the shoe, has trapezoidal cuts.


    At best pics can be used that were made while filming, sometimes the shortly later made promo-pics are "OK", too. But every later pic with parts on display has to be taken with a serious grain of salt - to much was "rebuild" when they needed pieces to show, after the movies became more and more famous.

  5. ACtually, I am using YOUR plans, Vern! Thats why I am asking in the first place!

    You did a nice job, but it is still off.

    - Needs to be adjusted for 40 mm

    - cocking handle slot is too shot

    - several mm need to be added on the end

    - several mm removed at the front

    - some other minor details


    the new all resin kit it nice, but weighs more, is more prone to crack, some details still are inaccurate



    Well, isn´t all "accuracy" gone as soon as you increase the dia by 5% (from 38 to 40)? That is no glued-on detail, we´re talking here about one of the two main measurements.


    I know that 50cm of DN40 wastepipe is deadcheap here, but it still is "off". And any glued-on parts are prone to cracking and breaking of, too - dependend on the used resin even more than a kit from a good resin (not the brittle stuff).

  6. For me it´s a difference to be announced to such a contest with "have a look, maybe give a vote" and "I´m the xxx, please vote for me to enable me to win".


    No, of course you havn´t signed up to win, who would do such a thing - usually the people wanna loose. Hmmm, but you asked to vote for you, so that you win .....


    I never said all the others were more honest, but you are the one who asked in the forums where i read it. And i see no difference in cheating one way or another, no matter if with many computer votes or many "well, he is one of us, so..." votes.


    You say now it´s just a silly contest - what are the prices for the finalists? If someone wins in a "silly contest" a price 500$ worth (just as a example) due to cheating, that he otherwise wouldn´t have won - what´s the difference to someone who takes a wallet with 500$ cash or a 500$ lottery win? In both cases the original owner /right winner loses 500$.


    And let´s be honest - without knowing you (as "one of us", here and at TDH) noone of us who "found the contest by accident" would have voted for your pic. I know that, and i´m pretty sure you know that, too.



    Btw. nice suit.

  7. I know soem got like 1 000 votes, and I only got like 400 xD

    but they said much of them are spam and double votes and will be deleted the at teh end so there's still a chanse that I win ;)



    And what else than spam and cheating is all your beggin for votes in the various forums? Mentioning that the people could vote "every 24 hours" for you? I hope all your doubles will be deleted, too - i like no cheaters. Not to mention the pity-votes you get cause you asked as a Fett and a TK other Fetts and Troopers, those which votes you never would have got without that beggin - how worthless such a faked win has to feel to a honest person. Alone to have the idea in trying something that way speaks volumes to me. If you win - it is nothing than a fake and a lie.


    That, in combination with your poor representation (come on, how hard is it to submit a quality pic) makes me hope that someone else wins .... no matter who, just someone who puts some more energy in his costume/pic than in asking around for help at the vote.



    There are days i can´t shake my head that much as i want to. :huh:

  8. Well, costuming is obviously not your thing.


    Right, it isn´t.


    It is not allowed to make it right due to existing laws, and for me it´s "right" or "wrong" (only as my point of view, not for telling someone what he should do) - if something is wrong from the beginning, i think it ridicuolous to have a stand of "But my wrong is not as wrong as your wrong - do it my way." If he does, goooood, it not, well it´s still both not accurate. Everyone might still have his own opinion (and mine is for sure closer to yours than to someones who wants a Hasbro), but has no rights to make decisions for other.



    But I'm pretty sure there are those with the picachu suits that spend a lot of time and effort to perfect their costumes too. Sure, It's quite impossible to transform yourself as a 6 feet man into a 1 foot fantasy animal, but at least you could try to get the stripes correct, no?


    But as someone loves to have no Picachu-stripes, if he wants tiger-stripes - isn´t is his own right to make his own decision on that? And still have fun in running around with "wrong" stripes?



    As a trooper I am most certain that your blaster will be looked upon even closer than when it's on your mannequin and why should it then not stand up to the same standards as a display piece. Just because you take it out of your glass cabinet once in a while does it mean that it cannot be rugged enough to stand some handling.


    Most of the people that watch can´t differ one ANH from any other ROTJ version - for them it´s all "Stormtrooper blaster", a cool thing to look at, but not knowing it´s accuracy.


    And the kids probably know more about DC-15 variants than about the details on the "old stuff" - they know each Clonetroopers name, but Stormtrooper is Stormtrooper for them.



    Different garrisons have GMLs with different standards, it's impossible to get away from. But I would object if I saw a blond Leia. I'm not gonna tell them to permanently dye their hair, but they could get a wig. They should not even be approved without one anyway. And as far as body types go, sure, if you're asian and want to do Leia or Solo or any other "face character", there's not much you can do about that, so just do it. And do it as good as you can. But for some people, maybe their body type would suit them better in another costume. I don't want to crush anyones dreams here, and if they really want to do it, go for it. I'm just saying that if you take a step back and think about it, maybe you can find another costume you really like and will fit your body type better, to work *for* you instead of *against* you. I for example am far too short to be a good Vader, therefore I'm not even gonna try to.


    I second that, wholehartly. But my main point is that after all it is only the decision of the people alone. If they have fun in/with low-standard stuff, why not? Why look down on them, just let them have their fun - if they don´t care if other people look and talk about them, who am i (or you) to say them they can´t? We are not forced to do it their way too, so ..... not our business.



    It should be fun, YES! but at least to me, building and making it look good is a part of the fun. And I do think there are more than just fanboys that notice the difference. I don't even consider myself a fanboy, I'm just a lot about details and what is "right".


    My fun is building them, too. But i assure you that our minds are biased due to this, only those like us notice the differencies. My wife likes SW, and she is used to see the stuff i make - but if i would ask her, without holding both versions in front of her, she would only say "Stormtrooper blaster" to both of them. If i would then ask her which one is more accurate, she probably would try to get a look at my deac to try to compare the questioned ones to it. And the same do my friends who are not into props but love SW.


    "We" in our world are that far from their world (and even more to not SW-fans, who just go there for the action or for their kids) that we can´t imagine what they see and what not any longer. ;)



    All in all, as Deatrin said, I guess well just agree to disagree. :)


    Agreed. :lol:

  9. Sure, this I kinda agree on. I'm not gonna tell someone at a troop to "go home or get a real blaster". What I'm looking for is a genuine feeling from the hasbro guys that they want to improve. If there were no such feeling at all, the wouldn't even have bothered to paint it black. So why stop there, why not go the extra 10 yards (hardly one mile in this example) to build a pipe kit instead?


    Being black, longer than a pistol, having it´s trigger roughly in the middle are the main attributes to reckognize a Stormtrooper blaster - and that could be achieved with some parts from a cut broomhandle. That would be enough to identify it as a Stormtrooper blaster as a guy in white plastic carries it arround - all the details are only for short distance.


    If you go the 10 yards from a Hasbro to a pipe, why not another 10 to a alu pipe? Or another 10 to real steel? Or 10 more for a all steel version?



    It's funny that you mention that, I'm having an all metal one made for me. So I guess I wouldn't care if you said that. :)


    Yeah, that´s funny. For me all the plastic versions compared to a real one are the same as a foam sword from a guy, costumed in yellow fur with Piccachu ears to a forged medival sword. And cause i see them all as toys, it seems that i as a prop guy can accept them easier for trooping guys that run around in costumes (not as a prop to display, no way) than some other guys in costumes can accept them.


    Maybe cause i can´t see the whole thing very serious, running around in costume is Halloween/Karneval for me - pure fun, it isnt real and it never will. Did i mention the anime guys in fur? Same for me.


    I put other, higher standards on a display piece. On a armor on a mannequin standing in a corner holding a deac, which is seen always on close distance - that is something accuracy is needed/prefered. But as a SW-fan and visitor i don´t care what the costumes are as long as they are not really accurate. Would i prefer everyone to carry acc. armor and real deacs? Sure. But as long as someone else chooses to do his costuming in another way, i´m fine with it too. We see to skinny troopers, to round troopers, very round jedis, blond Leias - all that is more a problem for "looking starwarsy" for me than a Hasbro. Do i think a Kenner/Hasbro Han Solo blaster looks completly wrong, even to a costume? Yes. Would i prefer them carrying metal ones? Hell, yeah. I "myself" can´t understand why someone chooses to put much effort in the costume and then ruining it with a bad gun/lightsaber/whatever. But then i go a step back, take a deep breath, and say "who cares, it´s just costuming stuff for fun - nothing to take serious". As long as i don´t buy them their stuff from my money, it´s not my business if they look other than i would prefer, not even if they look funny or shabby. If someone asks "do you think it´s good?", then i can give them my comments/opinion about what would be better (imho).


    They can´t go for Centurion with a hasbro, OK - but for gods sake, let them keep them for Standard or Expert - without fanatic discussions over a accuracy only fanboys would notice. It´s no prop replica, just a part for a costume. It should be fun.

  10. I think that you can't be so black and white. I do some heavy trooping with my blaster and I meet kids of all ages and I'm pretty sure that a lot of them do notice the difference between a hasbro and a pipe kit. Sure, if you want to put sound and lights into a pipe kit it can be both complicated and expensive. On the other hand, I tell the kids who want to play with my blaster that a gun is not a toy, and they respect that most of the times. At least if you have a blaster that looks like a real gun you have some leverage to claim such a thing. And I do think that guns are not suitable toys for small kids. Guns should be treated with respect. And yes I've done military service, so I know what a real gun feels like (just bringing this up so I don't get a counter argument about that later).



    I can.


    Not cause i think they are great or something that way, but if anyone chooses to use it (for what reasons ever), i think it should be his business only. Not the business of other guys who think their pipe is better. It might be their opinion, but not everyone agrees on that, or has to agree.


    How would you feel when i argue over and over that nothing is acceptable than a all metal version - or "real or nothing"? From my point of view these pipes are just a pipe with some glued parts. Do i think it´s better than a Hasbro? With regard to accuracy, yes (a little bit) - with regard to fun, no. In my eyes they draw level, in different directions.

  11. For which "better"? Better for trooping and bringing fun to kids (they don´t care for such details), or better for feeling cool and accurate (from my point of view it´s still plastic toy stuff only)?


    Imho these 2 directions arn´t going the same way in every aspect of trooping. It all comes down to which of these directions floats your boat. For the kids the hasbro is enough, for self displaying it needs obvisiously more.

  12. Get over it, the hasbro is not the center of the TK universe.


    That is valid for plastic drain pipe, too. :lol:


    Kids like stuff with light and sound, or something that makes them think is "Wow, that real blaster is heavy" when holding a "real" blaster.


    While i see the pipe builds as looking more accurate, i believe it doesn´t matter - no kid will get a wet pant cause of them. Unlike some Troopers. So you want this change cause "you" want it (for what reason ever, even with it you are no real Stormtrooper, right?), not cause it´s better or more funny/exiting for the kids at the events.

  13. Funny you say that, a friend of mine moved to switzerland due to the country being much more lax on guns - he´s active competition shooter, reloading his special tournament amunition at home, now, there.


    I don´t think the swiss law is more rigid than our german. ;)


    But at events it all comes down to the common sense of the officials.

  14. Sounds to me as if the same could be done to a self made plastic tube as to the factory made plastic-tube?


    As both are plastic - after painting them black no officer would say "that one looks like a toy, but the other like a real gun". They don´t see any of the differencies we are arguing here about, and if, they don´t care.


    A officer having both in front of him, handling them, would then seize both or release both. As long as they have the same general appearance (black painted and orange tip).

  15. Thats exactly the problem here in switzerland. Ok you can bild a screen accurate blaster for the EIB Pics.


    It may be a valid argument when using a white Hasbro, but ......


    I don´t think there is any difference between a black Hasbro or a black pipe-build for the law and any officers - or are you trooping with a white/orange oob Hasbro?

  16. Well, if we bring it down to it´s basics, it´s just a group of folks that like to have fun due to wearing plastic costumes and playing someone they definatly are not (if i would get a $ for every time i have to laugh when i read that someone mentions "the bad gun would be to heavy to troop all day", i would be rich soon) so .... ;)


    I wonder what my Sarge would have answered if i would have asked him such a question. :lol: If you can´t handle it, get stronger.



    Why not just let the Hasbros in the game for those people that want/need it (or think they do)? If you don´t want it, you can choose another way. And from my point of view it will never be accurate as long as it is plastic - it´s always a question of a persons preferences.

  17. Vern, I really do not think you can compare the hasbro with an fx bucket. No matter what you do to an fx bucket it will always be an fx, the dimensions are way off. A hasbro blaster, on the other hand, is much closer in scale and can be modded to look like the real deal.



    Objection, your Honor!


    To get a Hasbro look like the real deal, at least when you know how that looks, you have to replace nearly every visible part of it. Granted, for the most of the crowd it is a black tube with a kind of scope-thing on it´s top, and a grip in the middle, too.


    I think it is a nice and easy ready to run solution for absolute beginners, or people with 2 left hands - but it looks less like a E-11 than a FX like a ST-bucket. And who can build a armor, can easily build a pipe-kit, too. Or knows someone in his garrison who is a good hand at such things.

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