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Posts posted by PlayfulWolfCub

  1. That's really helpful guys, thanks. The COAs have been printed and are in the post to me but I suddenly wondered whether Targeting Sensors was a more popular name and whether I should have put that on the COA instead.  Looks like Power Cylinders is just fine though  :)


    I've nearly finished putting "METALMITE" decals on enough real capacitors for everyone...  it's all coming together...   :) 

  2. :smiley-sw013: Screen-accurate "METALMITE" T-Shirts now available!!!  :smiley-sw013:




    I'm only joking really but they're genuinely for sale!    WolfCubDesigns' page at www.spreadshirt.co.uk


    It wasn't my idea.  Rob Kingman (aka Matt Black, the generous guy who gave out loads of capacitors) suggested it ages ago

    I'm not printing them - an online company takes the orders, prints them & delivers them.  I get a small commission for having uploaded the designs initially.

    You can design your own there - it's fun  :)


    Cheers, Andy

    • Like 1
  3. ...with LED's to illuminate the gun from below and a speaker with SD slot so you could play music or sound effects while it's lit? :) (only joking about the LED's and sound)...


    Some of the best inventions come out of jokes so keep 'em coming!  :)


    I have thought of doing blaster stands - they're on my "to do when I get chance" list, along with (just to mention the Star Wars ones) the Budget resin Cylinders, Mid-priced Cylinders, Blaster Templates/Acrylic kits with Sskunky & E11 pipe builds with lights & sounds...


    Cheers, Andy

  4. Hi guys,


    I've put a few more pics on the sales page & I've pretty much finished the Power Cylinders website  :smiley-sw013:


    Most of the info is in my pdfs & the research thread but I've tried to make the info more accessible in the website.

    (It also links to Ebay & Amazon but I won't be selling Power Cylinders there until all the FISD & RPF orders are fulfilled.  There are two other products I designed & sell though.)


    Cheers, Andy

  5. In the thread http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/24735-anh-hero-e-11-requirements-for-centurion/page-2 Matthias (who does approvals) said:


    Well, to give a more definitive answer to the OP; You won't need much of what you have listed in your post. The requirements include all external components, so things like a charging handle needs to exist. Power cylinders and Hengstler would be assumed for an ANH variation, but I wouldn't argue with you if you replicated a specific model in ANH that was missing those.


    Basically, if it looks good and has the things you would expect of it, you should be fine. Having all the other parts come from found real parts is overkill, but appreciated. ;)


    PM him if you need personal verification.  Cheers, Andy

  6. Andy, I'm considering renaming this thread to "Power cylinder research thread". What do you think?


    Other's options of course also welcome.


    That's a good idea, Mathias.  It could help people find the information more easily.  Will my links to it still work or would I have to edit them?


    I've become quite fond of the title & it seems quite well-known now.  Could you please add it italicised & in brackets?  So it'd be:


               E11 Power Cylinders Research Thread (renamed from "3 Central Fuses...")


    Cheers, Andy

  7. Hi guys,


    Today we have a proper update!!!  No fobbing you off with barely-interesting photos of gently moving cylinders!  (Sorry, Mark! :P


    Here are photos of the first set of Ubers & resistors soldered into the first authentically-aged zinc-plated baseplates!!!


    All that remains is to spray-paint it satin black. (Feel free to make a comedic reference to Sheldon's mother having me tested because this set isn't going to be weathered so you won't even see the zinc - you'll just know it's there... :blink: )


    Hope you enjoy the pics  :)


    Cheers, Andy











  8. I've been lurking for some time and I still don't know what a greeblie is.



    "The Greeblies were a German punk band, circa 1968-1971. They had a small cult following of devoted fans here in the states who changed fashion history forever by gluing small, seemingly random bits of junk all over their clothing. These fans, calling themselves "Greebs", were known to run wild after concerts, accosting innocent passers-by, shouting incoherently, and doing generally naughty things. 

    The band's leader, Myopis Punderheimer, encouraged these antics, stating once, "Hey, it's all about the bits and pieces, isn't it?"

    Sadly, the band broke up, choosing to follow "Solo" projects."


    Source:  http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/f32/what-greeblie-8627/

  9. Cheers guys  :)  I know that each step I take towards even more accuracy means you have to wait a bit longer but I hope it's worth the wait  :)


    lol... you've found me out Mark!  :)


    Richard, I'm not sure what confusion you're referring to.  I know exactly what size & shape I believe they were from making & testing many prototypes. 

    The originals no longer exist to be measured.  The closest thing that exists are the racks on the MSE droid but no-one's ever measured them so no-one can claim to know the "correct" measurements. 


    Cheers, Andy


    PS - Please don't post in bold letters, it upsets some people

  10. So, I've been practicising more with zinc-plating techniques.  You can get some really nicely aged textures.  It's not as "crusty" as some of the landspeeder cylinders but it matches some of the Landspeeder end caps really well (see pic)


    Less crusty is good because it looks like the prop guys cleaned the E11 cylinders up a bit before painting so they were smoother & shinier (see pic).  My aged zinc finish cleans up nicely too if you polish it.  It goes as shiny as the pics I already posted, if you want it to. 


    I think the dull zinc finish will provide a better surface for the black spraypaint to adhere to so I'll try painting it first & then slightly polishing any chipped areas to match the MSE.


    Cheers, Andy



  11. Why on earth did the prop guys paint them black! Couldn't they have made the sterlings silver to match these, lol.


    Actually my understanding is that they did make a silver version.  The Royal Armouries in Leeds (UK) have a chromed version that Bapty gave them.  It was marked as having been made for Star Wars but apparently George didn't like it - it was too futuristicky & not "real world" enough.  (It isn't on display, you'd need to pay for a private tour of their storeroom armoury to see it...  after a background check to make sure you're not dodgy!  lol)

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