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bobby fletcher

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Posts posted by bobby fletcher

  1. Looks better than SD anyway :)


    It has it's up's and downs IMO it's gret for getting your head in compared to the S.D, But it's a pain to cut the extra lip of rubber off and it dosent hold as well as S.D. So gluing the seal to the helmet maybe necessary

    But on the plus side you can pick up 6 feet for like 12 bucks so it's not like your losing much if you dont like it. :)

  2. Thanks Joe. Pm sent. She says she wants a TK helmet can you still help?


    Thanks again, Glen


    Good luck finding a good TK helmet for that price. Maybe if you contact AP and see if they have and reject helmets? you might be able to score one for 175 + shipping

  3. I'm not one to drop my problems on others ;) I still have my Sandtrooper so i will not be gone form the trooper world. I have a shot at a rare prop and also have bills to pay... and i am sure in time i will pick up another Kit and be back to TK'en in no time... if my suit sales :( If at anytime i have a change of heart will yanke the sale.

  4. Chazz, does your friend make the ROTJ decals?


    there was talk of ESB and ROTJ. But odds are there may only be accurate sized ESB Decals since there isnt many ROTJ helmets out. But never say never Java monkey and darkside have ROTJ helmets in the works so they will be a demand that needs to be filled! :lol:

  5. Lots if not correctly done. Things I'd still check for:


    1) Button colors not correctly painted

    2) Incorrect blaster

    3) Non-canvas belt

    4) Holster mounted on wrong side or with visible straps on the outside of the belt

    5) Incorrect colored traps/tears

    6) Incorrect colored tube stripes

    7) Mis-matched hero/stunt details (e.g. flat green lenses + three teeth per side)

    8) Mis-matched movie details (grey traps + black frown with lips painted)

    9) Snow trooper hand plates on an otherwise ANH trooper

    10) Incorrect mic tips

    11) Riveting the shoulder straps


    That's off the top of my head...


    Didnt a few trooper suits have a leather belt in ANH? Looks like it to me.

  6. Glad you got it man! i should have hoped on msn and bugged you about it LOL this is also only the secound time i see a glossy set myself! If they didnt cost an arm and a leg to get i'd track one down!


    Is that you in the armor clutch or the possible mannequin?

  7. Ok that's logical, now what does TE stand for! :lol:

    trooper expert


    That?s you on the picture?


    Damn man!


    How much did that beauty costed you?


    All together from changing parts to better fit me or adding foam ect...ect... i think i am passing the 1200 mark :mellow: lol

  8. Skywalkersbabe said:
    Well hello!


    Thanks for link, but I would be sticking with the orig chest piece. Hopefully It won't be too uncomfortable!!


    Saw some of 'Vaders Fist' on Sat in Fenwicks in Newcastle and they looked the biz - that's where I noticed the troop insignia on their costumes! Have to say I actually got quite giddy!! I've not been off the Internet since. It's a minefield searching for the kit!


    It's always great to see a woman in normal TK armor! ;) wish there where more. Now the question is what are you shoting for accurate armor or FX armor. i would think you should grab an AP kit since your 5'8 i would think FX armor would be way to big.


    To give you an idea of the amor the diffrents in armor





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