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Posts posted by Rolf

  1. Did you use primer on the helmet before painting?


    Nope i just hand brush paint it, whit the brand: model master.

    Its the same item as the gloss white # 22 humbrol paint.

    But the model master paint its more pure gloss white, then the humbrol... there are more old/yellow white a like.

    (the model master is a US brand)

    Works like a dream, and are solid as a rock for trooping too :)







  2. Did you use primer on the helmet before painting?


    Nope i just hand brush paint it whit the brand: model master.

    Its the same item as the gloss humbrol paint, but the model master paint its more pure gloss white, and the humbrol more old/yellow white a like.

    (its a US brand)

    Works like a dream, and are solid as a rock for trooping too :)

  3. Looking good so far Rolf, and looking forward to get my new td tm from you :D


    Copy that.

    The TM helmet is among the best, and i´m sure i will get one again to my next TM suit (a TK, and maybe one more TD) .

    (it might sounds crazy, but i like to assemble trooper gear, study them and learn a little each time.

    Sell it, and get the newest stuff in again to upgrade...

    I guess its a part of this hobby, i have sold around 10 full suits and extra helmets over the years :rolleyes::lol: )

    Cheers bro :)

  4. Hi there troop´s.

    I just wanna show my new TE2 goods.

    Here you see the new TE2 SFS helmet to the left, and the classic version to the right:



    The trooper flower:



    Band of brothers:



    All 4 bumpy:



    I will start on the SFS as a TD version, and take some new pics all suit up soon.


    Peace out :)

  5. Just off to boil my head,Its like the last 18 month never happened.Must be an old re-run of Dallas,it was all a dream :blink:


    Haha good one bro :lol:

    Yeah the 18 month was long...

    But i´m happy for my refund, and can relax a bit more in this hobby.

    Before i buy my next suits (right now i only got a accurate TM, and very proud to own it).

    There will come some new imperial gear, on our way soon it seems.

    Like: Tm keeps working on he´s molds, the Dan Laws suit, and i have also seen Gino make some progress of he´s TK/TD too.

    So i guess a lot will happen in 2010.

    Cheers :D

  6. Rolf, that is awesome - and I mean AWESOME news! :D


    Thanks Aaron.

    I´m very happy, for how it all end good here too.

    DL/RJ and i have been close, so i´m also very happy we found our way back together.

    And i´m sure 2010, will be a better yeah for there business in many ways.

    Cheers :)

  7. I´m really happy, for the way it turn out too.

    Even it was no fun for me, to make a negative post on the FISD.

    I´m glad we clean the air so to speak, and something positive came out of it in the end.

    Peace out :)

  8. Hi there troop´s.

    As some of you might saw, i made a warning post against a armor maker a few days back.

    But heres is a sunshine update.

    I have been mailing whit Dan Laws, and RJ yesterday.

    And i just wanna say, they are back in business.

    We made peace, and DL/RJ have made a stronger way to run there business from now.

    They will not take any payments, before a suit is ready to be shipped out.

    And they have offer a refund, to people there have been waiting for the suits for a long time too.

    09 have been a very stressful year for them, but they are doing what they can to make it up for us all in 2010.

    I guess there all ways can be found good things in bad, here i mean the topic i did.

    Its never funny to make a topic like that, but here in the end there came something good out of it.

    So we are both happy for that.

    I guess Dan Laws, and RJ will come post here as well asap.

    Cheers :)

  9. Great armor. Looks awesome!

    May I ask, how did you make the 'full size doll'? :)


    Thanks trooper :)


    I made it out of goose metal net, first the chest belly area.

    Then the arms, and legs, head to be add on (sew then on whit metal wires).

    Then i give the metal doll cloth on.

    Then i just take some cardboard/thick sand color paper, whit glue on.

    And a bucket whit hot water.

    I then cut a lot of strips out of the role.

    And just to cover the hole buddy, let it dry for a day or two.

    Take the under suit, neck seal on it.

    And BOOM!!! you got as trooper living in your living room, to stand guard every day.

    Lovely, and cheap method way too :)

  10. Beautiful helmet Stephen, if you like to go for the screen used ANH Dave M helmet.

    Leave the 15 stripes on the helmets right side, and add two more strips on the left.

    So you got 16 stripes there ;)


    The suit looks freaking nice, i´m a happy owner on one too as a TD.

    I have in mind to get a TK TM this year too.


    Cheers :)

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