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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by seantrooper

  1. Well I have a fair bit of room on my ab plate to allow for growing ( it practically comes to my chest haha ) so I might do the fx chest plate mod to make it more accurate. Also are there any tips on how to close the side gaps.. would it be better to close one side and shim the other side or shim both sides evenly ( if that makes sense ) . I plan to put the six rivets in one side.
  2. thanks mate, so are you saying I should trim the chest piece a bit shorter?? How much do you think? maybe while I'm at it I could shape it to be more accurate as well.
  3. Hi all, my name is sean and I am a cadet of the redback garrison. I have my TK commander and was wondering if I could get peoples thoughts on it... eg is it approvable and what would I need to do to get it up to EIB standard. I am 16, so I have a bit of time to go before I can officially get approved haha. My armour is fx with one of our local makers helmets. Blaster is a hasbro with the doopy doo kit attached. so far to get it up to EIB I need to get accurate hovi's, close my side gaps, attach my holoster correctly, get correct sized ab buttons and make my blaster more accurate (add t-tracks and d-ring). let me know what you think! here are the reference shots in which I based my paint off. here's a couple of shots I got taken at a junkyard. a couple of shots of my helmet these are some shots that I got taken with my studio photography kit, i think my ab plate may be sitting a bit too high in these photos but thats an easy fix. [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/Krt69Kb.jpg)
  4. i wouldn't go seamless as the originals weren't, they looked dodgy as
  5. I used humbrol no.15 midnight blue on mine. I painted onto my boots too
  6. Here is my finished commander, the one supatrooper posted earlier.
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