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Posts posted by dougefresh

  1. OK that was the coolest thing Ive seen on ebay until this.


    Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?


    I agree that the mini-trooper is cool.... but seriously, that's NOTHING.

    Ask TrooperMaster (Paul) to show you the suit he put together for his son.

    Everyone here is familiar with how brilliant Paul's work is-- and if you're not, do yourself a favor and look into the TM armor; it's amazing.

    So, picture all the good stuff about Paul's craftsmanship... at 1/4 scale.


    He was nice enough to show me some pictures a while back, and it's just ridiculously cute and cool.

    And his kid is AWESOME -- he does all the classic trooper poses and NAILS them. He's a total natural!


    I would have gladly sold my family into slavery for a suit like that when I was a kid.


    Paul-- share with the group? :):):)

  2. I'm totally in, T!


    That would be awesome!

    And if any of us are considering going TD, I have the perfect weathering solution.

    It only takes about an hour...

    All we need is an ATV and a pineapple farm!









    Totally off-topic, but what island do you live on, Guns?

    I was just in Maui -- Ka'anapaili -- this August and LOVED it.

    My second day there, I called my CEO and started reading from the "office space available" section of the classifieds. :lol:

    He wasn't havin' it. :(


    Anyway, I want to go back next summer-- maybe we could go get a beer or something. :)


    Currently I'm holed up in a little grass shack on the island of Oahu.


    There's another FISD member who's bound for Maui next year, perhaps the three of us could get together for some cold beverages of our choosing while conducting an on-beach bikini inspection... :rolleyes:


    Just let me know when you're coming out and if my work schedule will allow it, I'll fly over and we can discuss the merits of helmet fans and the use of two-way radios in our buckets... :P


    T :salute:

  3. This got bumped back up for this time of year so right now give me Christmas music. The classics....Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, and Dean Martin! I get warm and fuzzy just thinking about it. Nothing makes me feel like a kid more than Andy Williams on the radio....and a new movie accurate bucket under the tree! Oh, and an official empirial issued E-11 blaster - "with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time!" And no I won't shoot my out! I promise Mom! :lol:


    Best Christmas movie EVAH!!!!!!!


    "Scott Farkus had yellow eyes!

    So help me God, YELLOW eyes!"


    " I like the Wizard of Oz ... ... ... I like the Tin Man."

    "Don't bother me.... I'm... uh... I'm thinking."


    I could quote from that movie all day long... seriously... :lol:



    I have to admit, I'm a sucker for a good Perry Como Christmas tune. My Mom used to play him on 8-track around the holidays. It reminds me of being a little kid. :)

  4. Okay-- I guess I'll be the board's token hipster doofus... :P


    Here's my favorite bands of all time...

    Soul Coughing


    The Clash

    The Police

    The Beatles

    The Jam

    Elvis Costello

    Tom Waits

    English Beat

    Talking Heads



    Joy Division


    Charles Mingus

    Thelonious Monk

    The Beastie Boys

    Public Enemy



    And my favorite bands du jour:

    The Fratellis

    Artic Monkeys



    Secret Machines

    Clap Your Hands Say Yeah


    The Arcade Fire


    Eagles of Death Metal



    Tegan and Sara

    Lady Sovereign


    New Pornographers

    Phantom Planet

    Andrew Bird

    Lily Allen

    What Made Milwaukee Famous

    Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds

    The Flaming Lips

    LCD Soundsystem...


    The list goes on and on and on and on.....


    I'm a GIANT music geek.

  5. Cheers Mark :)


    Another thing to note is that the holsters are held on the belt with one rivet on each strap, while Han and Luke had two on each.


    The should give Paul his own CSI Show. ;)

    Seriously-- you'd probably make a great forensic detective.

    You notice even the tiniest detail.


    I am going to ask TM before I do ANYTHING on my armor. :lol:

  6. I love internet bravery... it's all good as long as he can hide behind his monitor. Face to face? heh, we all know how that would go.

    The gene pool is definitely on a downward spiral.


    FYI: We have internet in Canada... and Craigslist. B)




    I haven't been back home in a while, but I thought it sounded wrong that you guys didn't have it.

    You need to hip Alain-- apparently, he is unitiated to the wonders of Craig and his list. ;)

  7. It will be interesting to see what happens to the myspace generation when they become parents or public service officials with an online history...

    I've already used a search on MySpace to rule out two graphic designers we were thinking of hiring at work. :P

    Note to potential job candidates: when interviewing with an Internet-based company, it *might* be a good idea to remove the twelve photos of you clearing an 8-foot "tobbacco" device.

    Just a tip. :lol:

  8. I'm sorry -- I couldn't read anything past the bit about mortgage payments.

    The room started spinning, and I don't remember much after that. :P


    Totally off-topic, but what island do you live on, Guns?

    I was just in Maui -- Ka'anapaili -- this August and LOVED it.

    My second day there, I called my CEO and started reading from the "office space available" section of the classifieds. :lol:

    He wasn't havin' it. :(


    Anyway, I want to go back next summer-- maybe we could go get a beer or something. :)

  9. Speaking of insulting people for fun -- I just realized I made a joke in pretty bad taste about the Special Olympics.

    It was tacky, and I'm deeply sorry if I offended anyone. It was a dumb thing to say. It wasn't my intention to hurt anybody.

    Won't happen again.



    EDIT: Oops! Wrong thread.... but I'll leave it in any way, cuz I needed to say it, and the appropriate thread is closed.

  10. Yes, mine came in black. I'm still trooping strong in them & they're still comfy I might add. Just so you know the boots mentioned in the original post shouldn't even be 501st accepted, though I know some GML's are more picky than others.


    Hey Paul--


    I have a dumb question for you, if it's alright; what does GML stand for?

    I lose track of all the acronyms around here. :blush:

  11. Well put Doug... couldn't have stated any of that any better myself.....


    ....and while your at it...you may want to educate Uncle Fud as to why that helmet was worth more than $150.00... and at the same time teach him some proper manners regarding insulting of other members...


    Nice job T*E.... and helms off to the buyer.


    Thanks, John!


    As for the nastiness... I'm staying WAAAAAAAAAY out of it, but there does seem to be some bad ju-ju flying around the board tonight.

    Kind of a bummer, really.


    Maybe everyone should remind themselves that we're all a bunch of overgrown science-fiction dorks playing dress up. :lol:

    We're not splitting the atom, or hammering out a Middle-East peace accord.


    On the other hand, all evidence to the contrary, we're mostly adults here, right? :P ... Seems to me that basic respect and consideration shouldn't be such a tall order,


    This is *supposed* to be fun.



  12. Hey Mike....


    I'm a newbie when it comes to this stuff, so take what I say with an elephant-sized grain of salt, but here's my $.02....


    Opinions about accuracy and quality of armor differ wildly, but this seems to be the general consensus...


    TE makes beautiful, incredibly authentic stuff, but he prices at a hefty premium.


    GINO makes amazing, highly authentic stuff as well, but it's incredibly scarce, and fabled to have a very sizeable price tag.


    TE2 and AP also have ties to the actual screen-used armor, but are in wider distribution and carry a mid-level price tag. Both makers/distributers seem like really solid, stand-up guys to boot.


    The four kits listed above do tend to be a little spendy though, and it should be noted that they were all originally built for extras and actors built between 150-160 lbs, 5'10" to 6'. The helmets are 1:1 scaled to the originals, so they're not as roomy as some of the other buckets. But such is the cost for accuracy.



    TM's armor is hands-down the best fan-made, all-original sculpt out there, but it's priced accordingly, and the exchange rate compounds it. (He's in England).


    The FX armor is widely reputed to be a good fit on larger builds, and is probably the cheapest in the bunch, but it has many inaccuracies, most notably a helmet that's oversized by about 15%.


    RT-Mod is another make that gets mentioned a lot as being a good fit for bigger guys.


    An option that seems to be growing in popularity with larger guys is purchasing a headless FX kit, and upgrading it with a more accurate bucket.


    If you have a smaller head, you can always pick up a TE, GINO. TE2, or AP to compliment your armor. You may have to paint everything to get it to match, however.


    Many people recommend an RT-Mod, or a ANH2 helmet if you have a bigger noggin', but still want something relatively accurate.


    All that said, if I've learned one thing, it's this: this hobby isn't cheap.


    Even the "bargain" FX is going to run you a few C-Notes.

    Prepare yourself to part with some significant cash, regardless of what armor you go with.

    And that's to say nothing of boots, holsters, blasters, et al.

    It's gonna add up. And it's addictive.


    The general consensus is that you can minimize costs somewhat by doing business with people through the board, and avoiding eBay.

    You're also 100x more likely to receive a quality product.


    Other than that -- you're entering the fray, my man. ;)

    The merits of each set of armor make for a pretty lively debate around here. Some more civil than others.

    You're going to have to sift through quite a bit of salesmenship and hyperbole, unfortunately.


    But the bottom line is that it's all subjective.

    In the end, your own opinion and your own budget should be your only watermark.

    People will give you their opinion until your ears bleed, but ultimately, you're the one shelling out for the stuff, and you're going to be the one trooping in it.

    If you think it looks cool, and it makes you happy, and you can afford it, go for it.


    99.99% of the guys on the board will support you, regardless.

  13. So they don't have internet in Canada yet? :P


    Easy there, buddy. I may live in Denver, but I was born and raised a Canuck in Calgary, AB.


    Sure, you may think we Canadians seem all cute with our politeness and our exaggerated vowel sounds ("aboot"), but are we really that harmless? ...


    Consider the following:


    Almost the entire population lives within 2 hours of the US border.

    We're virtually indistinguishable from our US counterparts.

    We kick an impolite person at pond hockey.

    We've developed a seemingly imperturbable immunity to the French.

    The fact that we have legalized both medical marijuana and gay marriage without a catastrophic collapse in social sructure proves that we're indestructable.


    Be afraid. Be very afraid. :P

  14. Seems like you have the stuff under control ..


    I'm curious, what is Craiglist anyway? I've looked at the web site, and it's just a big junk of link that doesn't make much sense to me ...


    Al -- Craigslist is one of the best/worst things ever to hit the internet in the US. It's basically a massive community-generated classified section. You can list anything -- from a house for sale, to help wanted ads, to dating personals.


    It's great because it's free, and is completely open.


    It's awful, because it's free, and completely open. :)


    It'll come to Canada soon enough, I'm sure.

  15. Great tip, Tom! Thanks!


    I did the same thing when I was dremmeling out the eyes on my AP bucket.

    I ended up just sanding it out with some 1500 grit paper and it looks A-Okay, but I'll definitely keep your post in the back of my head when I start on the armor.

    God knows I'm bound to have one or two more slip-ups, as this is my first build.


    It never ceases to amaze me how inventive people on the board are...


    Seriously, if you guys channled all this creativity, you could be curing cancer, or something.

  16. too late... lol 2 Layers of silver...two of black so far...i think im stipping there and trying it out with the brillo. If it looks like crap..i will take pics to put up so you can all get a chuckle.


    I tried the same method -- 2 coats of nickel-metallic, and then two of flat black.

    When I sanded it down, I didn't really get the results I wanted, and I ended up using a paper towel to dab the nickel on top of the black anyway.

    So, basically, I put down some metallic primer. :P

    I was in a hurry to get ready for a Make-A-Wish event when I made it, and I'm not the world's most patient guy to begin with, so you'll probably have better luck.


    Worse-case scenerio, you'll have to do what I did.

    And if you ever end up scratching it untentionally, you'll probably get a cool effect, seeing that you'll have plenty of layers to go through before the plastic will start showing.


    As long as you're a decent painter and use thin coats, I don't see how you can go wrong.

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