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Posts posted by dougefresh

  1. I'm not banned, because I've never registered.


    I dunno... all in all, Gino just kind of bums me out.

    I don't know him personally, so I can't really speak with any intelligence about him as a human being, but his online persona leaves me really frustrated.


    Here's this guy, who despite how you feel about him, has a metric butt-load of talent. Love him or hate him, he has top-notch skills as a re-creator, and really knows his stuff when it comes to backstory and research.


    Judging from his innumerable arguments, he's also a pretty smart cookie. The guy knows how to build a case, that's for sure. And lord knows he does some pretty first-rate politicking as well.


    Looking at his site, he's also got a decent amount of talent as a graphic designer and art director.


    So... you combine all those things, and you would think you would end up with a BAD-A$$ prop builder with a ton of smarts, a library of SW knowledge, and a keen artistic eye, who could make ENORMOUS contributions to the hobby. (And sometimes does).


    He's got all the makings of someone who could help every prop collector, builder and costumer alike take their stuff to the next level.


    But instead-- he's just kind of a d*ck.


    I have nothing but admiration for his work, to be honest, but his personality and behavior are sufficiently a**hole-ish enough that the other stuff doesn't mean a whole lot to me.


    It's like Russel Crow, or Tom Cruise -- good actors, turning in good work. But everything I read and see from them off-screen indicates that they're horrible, awful, unbearably self-aggrandizing douche-bags as people. And when they go on Letterman to pimp their movie, I turn the channel. I don't want my money, or my attention going to subsidize their colossal ego, or their crappy behavior.


    Same deal with Gino. His crap far outweighs his talent.

    Which is a shame -- because both are substantial.


    Just my $.02

  2. I have been hunting for over a year for the "adult novelty female breastplates" that get cut down into Femmetrooper breastplates, and I am having absolutely no success. A store, a web site, a link, anything...?




    Your post rung a bell, so I checked, and sure enough, there's a guy in the UK selling FX armor on eBay that also offers kid's and women's versions.

    He says his is "the fancy" version. Hehe.

    Dunno--might be worth sending him an email?


    EDIT -- Scratch that, Jonas. After closer examination, looks like he's peddling some pretty sloppily recast FX. No bueno. Sorry for the red herring! :(

  3. So who DID frame Jabba? Inquiring minds wanna know! :huh:


    Me too!


    my wife does some sunday school work, and a few weeks ago, the church youth group spent a monday night in the church "finding christianity in halo 3"


    And thanks a lot, Steve -- now I want to know how the heck someone gleaned a Christian allegory in Halo 3! :D

    I just thought it was about shooting a bunch of blue aliens with some of the dudes from Firefly.


  4. As a few people were nice enough to enlighten me, I now understand that the TE smooth cap involved creating a duplicate cap mold from the original, which was then filled and sanded quite a bit to create a nice smooth finish, which a lot of trooper customers were requesting, as they were interested in having a more idealized version.


    Judging from photos, it also looks like TE had someone sharpen up the ridge in the back a little bit, as well as enhance the traps.


    To me, the bumpy version seems more like a "used" object, and stays truer to the screen, but the smooth cap looks more homogeneous and mechanically produced, like something you'd expect a cold, implacable Empire to manufacture. I like 'em both, but I think I lean more towards the bumpy version-- I like all the little quirks.


    Again, my thanks to those who responded and taught me something new! :salute:

  5. I apologize if this is answered somewhere else, but do the smooth and bumpy caps originate from two separate helmets, or did someone just extensively clean up the bumpy mold to create a derivative smooth version?


    Also-- I know the AP (and earlier GF) cap is smooth, and TE had a smooth cap as well. Are those the only two from the screen-used lineage with the smooth cap? Has there ever been a TE2 or GINO smooth cap version?


    Just curious.... been scratching my head about it for the last couple days.


    Thanks to anyone who can set me straight on this!

  6. Hehe -- I don't even know why I'm given you a hard time... I don't even really like Country music that much. It's just fun to razz you. :P:D


    My iPod's kind of all over the place too. Everything from Claude DeBussy to Iggy and The Stooges to Woody Guthrie to Radiohead, to Dieselboy, to The Pharcyde.


    And yes-- AC/DC does indeed bring the rawk. :D

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