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Posts posted by SolderMaster

  1. Looking at that first picture-- did you have two vaders there?


    Yes, Two Vaders....


    There were 2 shows in Milwaukee. One Vader did the 1:30pm and the other did the 6:30pm. We took these photos with Anthony Daniels before the 6:30pm show. Ya, we were suprised to be approached by his peeps for a quick photoshoot....After the shoot, he stayed for a bit to have a candid conversation with R2...Troy, his operator, must have been stoked! He was all smiles! Wish we had a video of that...very cool!

  2. Well, It seems to be my router...


    When connected, I get Page Cannot be displayed. When I remove the router, it comes up fine....I have router firewall off and still no deal...It's a Linksys WRT54GS2. Do I need to change settings?

  3. Here's some pics from the 6:30pm show in Milwaukee. It was a madhouse! My wife had to driect traffic there was sooo many people who wanted pics with us. She only got a couple pics of me with fans.


    We also were approached by Anthony Daniels who wanted a photo shoot with us. We obliged, of course.


  4. Truly great Brian! :duim:

    And you used the rubber gloves. :o You sure are brave!


    Not sure if it was bravery or stupidity..lol They are HOT and Sweaty. But for the 2 hours, it is worth it to be as accurate as possible. I am letting the RTV set on the more comfortable pair of gloves now for the Fourth Parade. But thanks! Had an absolute blast!

  5. These are pics from my 2nd troop. The first was last night but I didn't have my wife with me to take pics.


    This is at the Brookfield Public Library ...taken from the WIG, "The Brookfield Public Library has had numerous requests for our return after the last three years successful events. Their summer reading program is an annual event to encourage children, teens and adults to read throughout the summer. Having a us there for a great kick-off event at the start will help to attract people to the library who may not otherwise hear about the program." -- quote by Trent Thornton.


    Our groupIMG_4266.thumb.jpg.23776289c5f589bb43885caa52cb3831.jpg

  6. Amazing! This layout actually helped me out a lot for my final touch on the romfx ^^


    Glad you approve! I have since replaced the wireless receiver for the ROM/FX. I put the ROM/FX board into my old Blue Point "Leatherman" case. One wire going from the ROM/FX to the AKER amp and one wire for the Mic. I mounted the ROM/FX batteries in two 4AA holders right under the foam shelves atached with velcro. I just run the wire under my neck seal and into the lid. I will post pics this weekend. AFTER MY FIRST TROOP!

  7. I'll follow you into battle anytime, Paul!


    I think it's going to be tough to catch the MEPD in percentage anytime soon. BUT, it IS possible. If a new guy, me, can make EIB shortly after receiving his Legion ID, anyone should be able to make it to EIB. With a liitle time, hard work, and maybe a little blood, it's possible.


    Oh...and it was the Japanese who bomber Pearl Harbor.

  8. If you want plastic to match RT is a good choice, but so it AP. AP will have the asymmetrical look if that's what you want. RT will be symmetrical but lacks the raised ear bumps. TM is good as well. There is no one 'best' - it's all up to what you want.


    RT will add bumps if you ask for it. He did for me. Not sure why he doesn't do them on all lids, tho.

  9. Here is my app for EIB.


    Other than my knee plate sliding under my thigh, I think I'm ready. Let me know if I need to retake that pic.


    RT-MOD armor and Helmet.

    Holster from Anrev

    Belt from TKittle

    Boots from TK Boots

    E-11 from Lewis aka slavefive

    Non-latex hand plates from Karin


    Green Welders Shield


    Testors Paint used on Ab buttons. Blue Angel Blue and 1138 grey































  10. thats pretty much what i did!


    The way the amp and receiver fit in the armor is VERY secure. I flipped it upside-down and shook the crapola out of it and it stayed put. I used E6000 for the glue. Very sturdy. Now...I just need my ROM/FX to show up and I'll be set! Take your time, John...ok not really...but ya..take your time! heh

  11. On 5/17/2010 at 4:39 AM, HAWK said:

    Hey all,


    I am looking to upgrade my fans. I've already got a couple fans in there.


    I need something powerful though to give me air in my bucket and to help keep my lenses from fogging.

    (it's a heck of a lot different trooping here in Florida than in NY. lol


    PICS and TUTORIALS would be fantastic!

    (Or links.)


    Thanks all! 8)




    I got both fans seen here... --------


    I have the micro one mounted to the right of my lens blowing across. And the other one in the lower left just left of the left hovi. Here's a pic.




    I used a little foam on the micro lens fan to give it room to draw in air. Works great.


    Hope that helps!

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